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Siphamandla Mjoli Brianspha
[Aspiring expert]


Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

Paul Vudmaska voodoo
Question Everything

San Antonio, Texas

Salem B sqd2
Computer Science student
arghav arghav
A tourist of the interwebs.
Dion Potkamp DionPotkamp
So much to do... Netherlands

Fadi Shawki FadiShawki
The Universalis' afoot @orbitmines

@orbitmines The Netherlands

I am a computer science student who has RSI working on voice commands and dictation software related stuff to accommodate my disabilities and help others.
David Chaves dac

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Artyom Gevorgyan gevorgyana [email protected] for work related stuff.

Student Ukraine

Matt Wilson mattkwilson

Inworld AI Vancouver, BC

David Tejada david-tejada
I mostly code TypeScript and React. When I'm not coding I am probably walking my cats 🐈


Thomas N Atkins Nova38

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, @LLNL Livermore, CA

Phil Cohen phillco
SWE at Snapchat. Primarily codes by voice using Talon Voice. Particularly interested in macOS accessibility and building out @cursorless-everywhere.

Snap Inc Mountain View, CA

John Dougan jdougan

Kitsilano Network Research

Luna LunNova
Full stack developer, DevOps enthusiast.


Adam Brunnmeier adabru
Living in North-Rhine Westfalia, Germany. Computernerd.