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James Azam jamesmbaazam
Research Software Engineer, working on the Epiverse Initiative at LSHTM. Mostly work with/in R.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom

CJ Yetman cjyetman
Data wrangler #rstats #r-pkgs #dataviz #d3

RMI Berlin, Germany

Lincoln Colling ljcolling
Cognitive scientist based at the University of Sussex

University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

Michael Pascale MichaelPascale
PhD Student, Boston University Brain Behavior Cognition Human Curiosity & Information Seeking: Why do we seek out knowledge? 🥼 🤝 🧠 🎓 🇷 💾 🏳️‍🌈

Boston University Massachusetts, United States

Elian H. Thiele-Evans ElianHugh
I mostly write R (and a little typescript)

Melbourne, Australia

Cong Liu the8thday
Bioinformatics & MedicalStatistics

Kintor suzhou

Sarah Jones sjone128
Data Analyst specializing in R statistical analysis and Tableau visualizations. Experience in data validation audit, market segmentation, and survey analysis


Oluwafemi OYEDELE BB1464
📊 🌐 🧑‍🏫I am an agronomist and data scientist with an interest in bayesian statistics, machine learning, crop modelling and geospatial analysis.

Research Assistant at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan

Lluís Revilla llrs
Bioinformatician, data scientist/engineer making data accessible & useful, be it in pharma, research, open source or government data.

@insightsengineering Spain

Medical Data Scientist.

Erlangen, Germany

Jero Rm TheHakoDrako
➥ Developer (Frontend / Backend) ⚙️ . ➥ Economist (Data Science) ⭐ .

@jero.rm Colombia

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

EconMaett EconMaett
Master in Economics - Specialization in Digitization and Data Analytics


Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Maëlle Salmon maelle
R(esearch) Software Engineer, Blogger

@ropensci Nancy, France

Sergio Olmos solmos

Sanofi Barcelona


@cynkra Switzerland

Karol Niewiadomski karylsienn
Researcher at University of Twente. Previously Research Associate in Data Science at @PrecisionManufacturingCentreUoN, @ggiemr and @cinkciarzpl.

University of Twente Enschede, NL

Michael Richardson rainabba
I started coding on DOS 3.0 with gwbasic, found my footing in QBasic 4.5 on DOS 6.0 and now I find myself building full-stack solutions with .Net and Node.js.

Asurion Manassas, VA

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Matt Bannert mbannert
Analytics & Data Engineering @helsana, Hacking for Science @ ETH Zurich. Former @_useRconf global coordinator, ex @cynkra.

@KOF-ch @helsana Zurich, Switzerland

Layal Christine Lettry Layalchristine24
Econometrician, data scientist @cynkra, #rstats enthusiast

@cynkra Fribourg

Serdar Balcı sbalci
MD, Pathologist İstanbul, Turkey

Victor Perrier pvictor
R / Shiny developper at @dreamRs with @mfanny

@dreamRs Paris, France

John Coene JohnCoene
R, Go, JavaScript, and other indoor stuff.

@devOpifex Switzerland