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Muhammad Ahsan zawster
Extracting and Exploiting Insights from Data.


Omar Imam flowmar
Full-Stack Developer @ NASA, Johnson Space Center

Houston, TX

Stenio Wagner steniowagner
A Full-Stack Engineer that loves apply his knowledge to solve problems, create amazing products and impact lives.

Collective Fortaleza, Brazil

Kasib Mansuri Kasib03
Aspiring Machine Learning/Deep Learning enthusiast passionate about leveraging AI to solve real-world problems. Constantly learning and exploring new technology

NMIMS Mumbai

Yuval728 yuval728
Aspiring AI/ML & Deep Learning Engineer| Computer Science Student
tooniez tooniez
💻 Full Stack Engineering | 🔬✅ Quality Advocate | 🌱 Entrepreneurship | 🧠 AIML Researcher | 💼 DevOps Automation

@tcubed-group @testified-oss localhost:3000

IT guy pistolla


Harsh Kumar Harsh3231qubit
I find Machine Learning incredibly exciting..
Marcel Azmy marcel-azmy
Computer Science student at Faculty of Science Alexandria university.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Damien NGO dzngo
Machine Learning Practitioner


Edson Valença emvalencaf
AI/ML Developer. AWS Certified Data Engineer and Cloud Practitioner.

Recife, Pernambuco

Rob Rosario RobbyRob81
Seasoned engineering leader with over 11 years of experience combining strategic leadership, hands-on technical expertise in cross-platform and web applications

Los Angeles

Sai Ruthvik hawkh
ML Engineer @Livestockify

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

Jim Deola jdeola

New Jersey, USA

Samuel Rincé samuelrince
Lead AI Architect @Alygne. Co-Founder of @genai-impact. Open source contributor @Boavizta. Working on sustainable AI. 🤖🌱

Alygne Paris

Big on Data Science, and practical AI.
Aashmit Shrestha Aashmit
AI enthusiast


André Walter AndreWal

University of Zurich Zurich

Anthony Garrett kalisam
immanentizing the free open source singularity of infinite overflowing unconditional love light and knowledge in the for ever all ways HERE AND NOW PRESENT GIFT
Mirko Kämpf kamir

IT-Service Kämpf UG Frankleben, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

Tran Manh tranmanh90

@bigcv-ai , @albatross-foundation Vietnam

Michael Wong coolenoid
Hungry.. Craving.. for Knowledge

@Shell Malaysia

Amirhossein Layegh AmirLayegh
Doctoral student in Information and Communication Systems.

KTH Royal Institure of Technology Stockholm

Wassim EL BAKKOURI wassim249
AI / ML engineer 👨‍💻

Version28 Kenitra , Morocco

Ruichen (Ray) Yang ryq99
Data Scientist

Los Angeles, CA

Aman Dashore floatingmess06
A Computer Science student .
Visitxay Hanmonty XayHanmonty
CS @ UC Berkeley
