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I'm blind, I'm an NVDA user, I love music and foreign languages.


Shiva Kumar S flipsideview
Networked and Collaborated at Cisco for 9 Years.


Usman Liaqat usmanliaqat0
Full Stack Dev

Multan, Pakistan

Fululu fuguigui
The world is so cute with dogs. Current @google. Previously @bytedance @Huawei

Google Munich, Germany

Przeman CodeFactoryPDabrowski
Focused on mobile development with Kotlin and Android SDK. Passionate about delivering world-changing products.


Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Rodrigo Zandonadi rodrigozan
A web developer, JS entusiast

ACTi Tecnologia São José dos Campos/SP

TingTing Yang kookies0901
I am a student at University of Glasgow, actively engaged in expanding my knowledge and honing interesting skills through GitHub.
Abdul Sami Khan Saad AbdulSamiKhanSaad
Building, Intelli AI Labs | Now Machine Learning | SWE Student |
Patrick Lenz scoop GmbH Wiesbaden, Germany

Gregory Foster gregoryfoster
humbled by redwoods. Founder + Citizen Observer @CannObserv via @foojutsu @consumerreports @effaustin

@CannObserv @CannabisData @foojutsu Olympia, Washington, USA

Jeffrey Arukwe Jeffreyarukwe
He believed he could, so he did.

United States

Rob Infantino sde3rob

@OpenAI San Francisco, CA

ProVeg michaellawrencemorgan
Git push my greens now Stack Overflow saves the day Bugs say "ick" to greens
Sebastian Aguilera Novoa saguileran
Physicist interested in numerical methods and machine learning applications to physics. I also like electronics and love wave simulations.

Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - IME/USP Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ben benopweg

SNDQ Antwerp, Belgium

Tracy B tlbadger09
Just an Insurance Agent trying to grow my business 😉

Badger Health Insurance LLC

PUSHBA SHRI G shrig0620
I'm Final Year Passionate BSc Computer Science Student


Stéphane Berhault Stekosan
Unix | Linux | Splunk | Azure | GCP | AWS |Informatica | Docker | R | Python | Data Governance | Data Quality | Data Analytics | Oracle | SQL Server | PowerBI

Willamette University

Winnerineast Lee winnerineast
Starting from 2023, all working projects are hidden for invited people and only public one is legal intelligence.

Humachine Studio Singapore

Md. Rakibuz Sultan Pranto Rakibuz
Passionate about Human-Computer Interaction, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence


Yash it5meyash
Programmer | Learner | Gamer
Ankush Chudiwal Ankush1oo8
Studying Computer Science and Engineering in Walchand Institute Of Technology, Solapur, Have studied Full MERN Stack Development and have good grip on DSA
Subodh Jena subodhjena
coder/programmer ✌️❤️

@recruitiq @splitster @symblai @atomic-habits Earth 🌎
