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Glen TehFamine

ArenaNet Cary, NC

fos1 fos1
Retired marine chemist, science teacher and counselor. Retired but still coding and writing.

Far Out Science Under the rainbow.

REM Emperor REMperor58
Very Basic Coder, Python

Dream Land

Darth_Venath DarthVenath16

FieryMUD Realm of the King of Dreams

Reddred ReddredPS

Primate Solutions Texas

iiMate gordon123
Hello world! I'm new for coding!!

homeless Anywhere I can breath!

Scott Goblinscape
Mud Coder, Learning Python for AI Dev. Mideval, and SciFy VTT role-playing game enthusiast.

@Goblinscape USA

Bradley Marques bradleymarques
Software engineer

@melio-consulting Johannesburg

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Greg Taylor gtaylor
@Netflix Dev Spaces team

@netflix Los Gatos, CA

Kurtiss Frost kurtissfrost
Hello, I'm Kurtiss! I am a data center technician starting on my journey into the wild world of coding.
Frank Tang roadt
Programmer/Archt, ArchLinux, Emacs, Rubyist, Pythoner, Javascript, Go newbie. Hobbies: Movie, Music, Art, Thinking, Programming

SoftMoon Studio Remote