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Morning Star Software Technology Wuhan, China

VIVEK TIWARI vivek-tiwari-vt
Data Science M.S. @ IU | ML Enthusiast | Python & Spark Wizard | Crafting AI Magic with Transformers & GNNs | Team Sync Star | Gaming Geek
echo8310 xiaobo8310
🏛️Research Institute, Guangzhou, China 🧑‍🎓Master's Degree 🧐Major in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, 3D Reconstruction


Yacine Zitouni yacine-zitouni
CS Student. self-taught web developer.

Université de Rouen Rouen, France

Fauzan Ghazi fauzanghazi
Business Analyst diving into Machine Learning & Data Engineering realm


Alessandro AlessandroScherl
CS PhD Student @ UA

Fachhochschule Technikum Wien Vienna

光之青柠 LimeFlare
UX/UI designer, crafting beautiful and intuitive interfaces for the digital age 🌴🎨

Porter Bali, Indonesia

Kevin Kong xk0720
PhD candidate in computer science at University of Exeter. Research interests lie in deep learning, computer vision and affective computing.

University of Exeter United Kingdom

Tanmay Pardeshi tanmaypardeshi
Learning forever!

Raleigh, NC

Nidhish Kumar nk-droid

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Arsalan Arsalancr7
🧠 AI Enthusiast | 📊 Data Scientist | 👨‍💻 Machine Learning Engineer | 🚀 Building innovative solutions with Python, TensorFlow, and NLP.
Juan Sebastián Moreno Díaz mljuansmoreno
estudiante de ingeniería de software
Peter Rong DataCorrupted
A curious programmer.

Palo Alto, CA

mengzhili zhilimeng
focus creates reality

Wuhan China

I am a PhD Candidate at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and have an interest in data science and Python.
Júnior Santos zzjunior
Desenvolvedor Web. Graduando Bacharelado em Ciências e Tecnologia na UFRN. Gestão estratégica CS TEIA CRM.


Gavin Strunk GavinStrunk
I enjoy solving controls problems that involve optimization and more recently learning techniques.

Scientific Systems Company Inc. (SSCI) Boston, MA

Iqbal Fatur zer0-911
IoT Enthusiast

Sepuluh Nopember Institut of Technology

Shaishav Pidadi Shaivpidadi
Developer .. .. ..


Hugo stinkyyyyy
Code voyeurist

Universidad de Guadalajara Jalisco, México

Zhang Shiqi Zhangshiqi2020
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Major in Data Science

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen China, Shenzhen

socratic-chimp elliottjs1091
Hello world!

New Zealand

Tang Bohao Aphelios-Tang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Tanvi Pooranmal Meena tanvincible
MechE undergrad at IITK | Organizer @antaragni-iitk | Secretary @booklub-iitk

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Dipto Mondal diptomondal007
A bug is never just a mistake. It represents something bigger. An error of thinking. That makes you who you are.

Traders Connect App Limited Dhaka, Bangladesh

Bash Girl bashbunnia
platform product engineer

Polestar Fairbanks Ranch, California

Md. Abdullah al Mahfuz Mahfuz-00

Touch and Solve Dhaka, Bangladesh

Syed Sirajul Islam Anik ssi-anik
PHP & Laravel Developer. Open to remote

Pathao Dhaka

owen owencwl
Master of Computer Science. Cloud | BigData | Java | Python | AI

Changsha, China