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Phil Gear philgear
Graphic Designer + Photographer, Developer, learning more about Social Coding

GearArts LLC United States

💻 Undergraduate IT Student | 🎓 University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka 🌟 Passionate about Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, front developer.

university of moratuwa Sri Lanka

Jaures Beinjamin beinjamin
• 🌱 Software Engineer • • 💡 LinkedIn Top Voice • • 🎮 Gameur • • 🏆 Microsoft MVP • • 🥑 Senior Community Advocate •
Son Tran tranthaison1231
Try your best <3

@basaldev Viet Nam

Wasay razzaq awasayy
UX/UI • Flutter • Open Source @ Strapi


Building a modern computer through Nand2Tetris

Greater Vancouver

Izanderson Florencio izanf
Software Developer and B.Sc. Computer Science

Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Mustafa Khalid mustafakhalidcs

@travel-resorts-of-america Islamabad

Hassan Mehmood hasanmehmood
Experienced Data Engineer with 10 years in the field. Proficient in designing and implementing cloud-based applications, APIs, ETLs, BI Dashboards, Microservice

Milky Way

Ali Raza aliirz
Solutions Architect with over 10 years of experience building systems that scale at large. I build my ideas.

@Boost-Panda Pakistan

Aman Uchitkar amanuchitkar
🚀 Aspiring passionate about Web Development. Currently learning Backend with Python and Django. Proficient in GCF. Let's connect.
Muhammad Anns Khan maybeanns
CS Student At GIK Institute
Rarex Sword Rarex2006
I've worked with many JavaScript frameworks and libraries over the years, like React, Angular, and Vue.js. By creating complex projects with these frameworks, I


Ganesh Kharde Ganeshkharde1

Google Developer student clubs Aurangabad

Hania Khalid hania345
Hello, I'm Hania! 👋 - 🌐 Tech Intern & Web Dev Student - 💻 JavaScript | HTML | CSS - 🚀 Building dynamic web applications - 🌱 Constantly learning

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Antonio Rueda-Toicen andandandand
Machine Learning Engineer

AI Service Center, Hasso Plattner Institute Berlin, Germany

Javier "Javi" Carrion JavaVista
Seeing how technology interacts with my life and how it provides Solutions for the Tech-Minded. My eNewspaper

Central Florida

Prince Kapadiya Prince115
Azure Cloud Services, .Net Core, ASP.Net, Jquery, SQL Server, Postgresql, Restful API

Ahmedabad, India

Gokul Gokul962819205008
Software Engineer...

Waila Technology Puthukkadai, India

Manish Kumar Pandey m11kp

Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi Jhansi

doniacld doniacld
Golang software developer!


Eng. Kirolos Mayiz Fahem KirolosMFahem
the founder and CEO of @KMTeam-LLC

@KMTeam-LLC @EpicGames Cairo - EG

nammahari nammahari
FOSS & Privacy Enthusiast

Mahathaan Chennai

Sandupa Abeywardana SandupaAbeywardana
Undergraduate at SLIIT

PixelCore Holdings (Pvt) Ltd Malabe, Sri Lanka

Jaewoo Kim JaewooKim0

Seoul, South Korea

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Maxwell Mapako wax911
Lover of all things technology related, a healthy curious mind and happy personality

@ClearScore / @AniTrend / Freelancer South Africa

Tyler M. Neher tylermneher
@neherdata - Owner // University of Central Florida // Reach for the stars //

@neherdata Tinton Falls, New Jersey, United States

Kyle Paul neojato

Mountain View, CA

Abdelghani meliani abdelghanimeliani
A PhD student at EURECOM .

@Eurecom sophia antipolis nice

Syed Mustafa Hassan Mustafa-Hassan2001
Mobile App Developer || Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador || GDSC Core Member || Open Source Contributor

Karachi, PK

Jayesh Dankhara JayeshDankhara
Experienced Android Developer

Hexacore Solution Surat, Gujrat, India

Kiran S Raj flazer99
My love for technology pushes me to tinker into the realm of the unknown.
Tdsbeast dipesh88
Chinan Yin yinchinan010
a .NET full stack programmer. (Keep Healthy, Dream Big, Work Smart, Deliver Fast, Be Happy)

ZhongShan YD Crystal Group ZhongShan, China

Kris Fynn Kris-fynn
I love learning new technologies...

Johannesburg CBD

Kumar Kalyan kumar-kalyan
Hi, there I'm a developer from India. I love to inspire the community by delivering talks and writing blogs on Full Stack development, devtools


Eren Gun Erengun
Software Developer
