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Amaechi Ugwu amaechijude
I am a software developer
Malek Lahbib MalekLahbib
Web3 enthusiast, Gno.Land, GnoLang

Rouen, France

Nicolas RUFF newsoft

Google Zürich, Switzerland

Kristov Atlas kristovatlas
Lead Security Engineer @allinbits Contributor @OpenBitcoinPrivacyProject

United States

Th. Ma. thierrymarianne

Greater Paris Metropolitan Area

Bohyun Kang bohyunkang
it's my world and you're just in it

@IotrustGitHub @DcentWallet @wwc-korea Seoul, South Korea

쓰니 seongmoolee

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Alan Soares alanrsoares
Functional programmer with a passion for the web. React, Typescript specialist. Building

All in Bits Auckland, New Zealand

Benji Vesterby benjivesterby
Hello! I'm a passionate technologist who loves to solve complex problems and innovate through code. I'm a key contributor at @codeprosorg and @devnw

@devnw,@codeprosorg Raleigh, NC

ex9 ex9-fyi
ex9_fyi on X
Mustapha mous1985
👨‍💻 go and gno Dev | 🌐 Open Source Contributor | 🔗 Blockchain Enthusiast🔭 Currently working on: Open source and Web3 projects🚀

@gnolang Rouen

Chibuzor Daniel Uwezukwe uwezukwechibuzor

@cyphercore-dev Nigeria, Benin City

unbound unbound26z
Full Stack Developer (React, NextJS, NestJS, Rust, Move, Solana, Aptos)

Belgrade, Serbia

Didier A. E. Gabiam diempi
Old Web2 Dev turning Web 3 Dev - Chocolate and Japanese Green Tea Adorer


Omotoyosi Adu adutoy
I'm a budding data scientist with bias in public health study. I am open to learning and collaboration on projects as well.


Adonis Villanueva AdonisVillanueva
Full Stack .NET Azure, Machine Learning, Python, Developer/Architect with 18 years of comprehensive experience in the industry.

Accenture Federal Services Hallandale Beach, FL

r2 rreive
Founder RESPIN Technologies CxO Services & Sft. Arch. for Startups inventor of Java/JINI C2 Logging & Platespin, COO help @ CloudProx North America Planet Hoth East

Morgan thehowl
fooling around!

@gnolang Turin, Italy

GITSRC gitsrc
AI | CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @HiveMesh @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs IceFireLabs

Leon Hudak leohhhn
Lecturer & decentralization enthusiast, DevRel Engineer @gnolang. Always learning.

All in Bits (Tendermint) Belgrade, Serbia

Shashank Priyadarshi shashank-priyadarshi
Engineering grad 2021. Web Dev.

Nasdaq Pune

GridPulse-CPU GridPulse-CPU
Building GridPulse with one line of code at a time ⚡⚡🔌

@01builders | @ignite