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KC koklovesdolphins

@Zenika Singapore

Kyriakos Akriotis akyriako
Kubernetes, Go, C, eBPF, Open Telekom Cloud, AWS in no particular order or preference.

T-Systems International GmbH Hamburg, Germany

Jess jessLryan
Software engineer @senapt

Senapt Cardiff, Wales

Software engineer at Technolution. Recovering advertising professional.


Anatolij Werle awerment
Software Engineer at @betterdoc-org ❤️ Elixir

BetterDoc GmbH Frankfurt, Germany

Loud QA emyjamalian
QA Engineer. passionate about inclusion. Currently focused on helping development teams maintain high quality mindset and function well even without a dedicated


David Kopp davidkopp

envite consulting GmbH Stuttgart, Germany

Liam Laverty liamlaverty
Climate tech in Python, Typescript, C#, .Net. @Etive-Mor "Always read the instructions first, even if you don't intend to follow them"

@Etive-Mor Scotland

René Oelke reneoelke
@foobugs #freelancer #devops #devsecops

foobugs / René Oelke Berlin, Germany

Aman Pandey salty-ivy
Backend @komorebitech GSoC'24 @django | GSoC'23 @wagtail | member @wagtail @jazzband @django-commons | python | go | async | frameworks

Cityflo Mumbai

Akshay Iyyadurai Balasundaram ibakshay

@SAP St Leon-Rot

عَمّارْ ammarhararah
🇵🇸 Software Engineer | Python | JavaScript - This is my design..




jochen jochen42

Frankfurt, Germany

Raymundo Vásquez Ruiz raymundovr
Working at the intersection of computing and decoloniality. I love building products and teams 😉


HansL Abang-L
jr frontender


David Hund davidhund
Freelance front-end developer (NL)

Valued Standards Doorwerth, The Netherlands

Didi Hoffmann ribalba

Green Coding Solutions Berlin

Jing Liang jingliangjl

Thoughtworks Chengdu, China

Thomas Doczkal doczkal

Thomas Doczkal Germany

Yuvenal Njoroge yuvenalmash
Full-Stack Software Developer | Python, Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, React | Open to new challenges and opportunities

Nairobi, Kenya

Philipp Metzner pylipp
Software developer. Likes Open Source, Python and Linux/GNU. Terminal? Shell yes!

boxtribute Munich

Nadja Hagen nadjahagen
Computer Science (M.Sc.) student 👩🏼‍💻

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

bpetit bpetit
Ops and dev, full-time learner. Working to lower damages of tech on the environment and get the best of it. Co-founder of @hubblo-org & @Boavizta

@hubblo-org France

Oscar González oscargonzalezdev
Software Developer, passionate about the World Wide Web 🚀

London, UK

Samuel Rincé samuelrince
Lead AI Architect @Alygne. Co-Founder of @genai-impact. Open source contributor @Boavizta. Working on sustainable AI. 🤖🌱

Alygne Paris

Theresa Hradilak phoeinx
computer science student and freelance developer
Michael Geers naltatis

neuland - Büro für Informatik Osnabrück, Germany