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ph3nac ph3nac
coding for independent artists.
watty7 philwatt

@DataJPS DataJPS Melbourne, Australia

Glenn Layson glennlaysonjr
Full Stack Developer

Dallas - Fort Worth, TX

Nguyễn Thanh Bình FbinNexlab

Binh Duong Province, Viet Nam

λf. (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))

yo-lara Brazil

lushevol lushevol
Your Biggest Enemy is Yourself


Atul ATUL145
I am an experience-driven front-end developer always inclined towards new Technologies which has social impact
Joe Beretta joeberetta
Backend NodeJs developer based in Tomsk, Russia.

@i-link-pro-team Tomsk, Russia

Sankalp Srivastava sankalpsrv
Legal Tech | Legal Datasets | Python | Jupyter Notebooks
Sanchit Dikshit sanchitdikshit
Technical Support Engineer

Hasura Bengaluru

Adam Kane AdamKane
Co-Found & CTO @ ForgeFX Simulations

ForgeFX Simulations Hawaii


Bavaria, Germany

Dani Acosta coolxeo
I love all things Javascript. Foodie and tech early adopter. Crypto fan. Sevilla > London > Costa del Sol

Costa del Sol, Malaga, Spain

Anwar Mohamed AnwarMohamed
Taking down Mobile Networks for a Living

Cairo, Egypt

Oscar Iglesias Roqueiro oiroqueiro

Sociedad Textil Lonia Ourense, Spain

xerk-dot xerk-dot

localhost:3000 Chicago

rub3n aiuoe
unstoppable today

@Datapicker Venezuela

ح.ح.د hhdst
</>Software engineer at Turing Research Team🖥/AI❤
a-urabayashi a-urabayashi
- Mainly Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, Django, FastAPI, React, AWS

Amazon Japan Japan, Tokyo

Venugopal Reddy M venugopalreddy701
Junior Software Developer (iOS and Java)


Rudger Rud5G
Enthusiastic Cloud Engineer. Automate everything!

@TripleNetworks Rotterdam, NL

Mike Brummett GoDjMike
Started w/ tensorflow in 2015 | 2x SaaS founder | Bad news, I actually like TS/JS

Solopreneur (AI/ML, SaaS, B2B) Kansas City, MO

coder liuyonghu
A little people who is Interested in programming.
Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Wayne WayneKim92
React Native App developer 🍀

Seoul, South Korea