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drunkenboys nordiciot

Nordic Semiconductor ASA Trondheim

Rob Baruch rabarar
a guy who likes to write code for fun when I'm not playing guitar


Jun Qing Zou junqingzou
Software engineer at Nordic Semiconductor ASA, hiker in spare time

@NordicPlayground @NordicSemiconductor Japan

Viral Patel viralpatel9
Just another Electronics Engineer trying to understand electronics

@Sensoteq Belfast, Northern Ireland

Parth Sanepara ParthSanepara

@hprs-in @TrackRHQ Bengaluru

Jonathan Beri beriberikix
I eat APIs for breakfast. They go surprisingly well with milk. Building @golioth!

@golioth Oakland

Clever Stardev1127 Stardev1127
I have strong communication / collaboration skills coupled with the desire to learn new things, try new technology and seek opportunities to grow.

Reality LLC

Ole Sæther osaether

@NordicSemiconductor Trondheim, Norway