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Solo game dev working in Godot Engine/Python/C++. Always happy to collab so if you have something interesting, hit me up!
AliReZa Sabouri alirezanet
I'm a Father, Husband, Developer, Gamer, Musician, Semi-professional Snooker player. Also, still a student! 😊

Albelli Amsterdam

Zhaojin Qian elegantflamingo22
BigData Engineer | Economic liberalism | Shanghai City
Masayoshi msay0sh1

Semarang, Indonesia

Crypto Mickey mickey0511
Fullstack and BlockChain developer
Potential Potential-Progress
Ponder the path of thy feet,and let all the ways be established.
Xiaochao Dong damnever
"damn..never" 🔨
Jonathan Gillespie jongpie
Live and learn and refactor

@Salesforce Connecticut

ikiwi ikiwihome
AI Researcher


Lappies lappiesja
I am a Computer and Electronic Engineer with a passion for firmware development. I enjoy being active and that keeps me going no matter what life throws at me.

Alberta, Canada

Michael Bolanos michaelbolanos
Robots need the gift of decision making

offthegridit San Jose, California USA

灯火琉璃 zsl MyNameIsZsl


vux vux70

Praxis Worms

Alex achessor
Learning a little, day by day.

Alabama, USA