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Tomáš Smutek heysmtk
Self-taught Software Engineer • future switcher to IT • dad of two

Czechia, Zlín

Matúš Kočik matus-kocik
🛠️ Welder by morning, 👨‍💻 Programmer by afternoon | 🐍 Python, ⚛️ React | 🛠️ creator of personal projects, 🚀 education

Presov / Slovakia

Jiří MALENDA MalendaJiri
Jsem začínající TESTER SW zaměřující se na manuální a automatizované testy mobilních a webových aplikací. Do budoucna bych rád využil i skriptovacích jazyků.
Michal Landsman landsman
{"bio": { "work": "ex-cto @graet; ex-cto @trisbee", "hobbies": " programming; sci-fi; rap; youngtimer cars; green-energy; linux; geek to the last byte!" }}

Prague, Czech Republic

Lenka Silná LenkaSilna
❤ Frontend developer & Tester 🐛 & UX/UI (graphic) designer 🖥


Jakub Topic jakubtopic
Firmware at Anitra • birds & nature

@anitra-wildlife-tracking Prague

Kros Nemi92
Kros HeyHEX
Jan Doležal jandolezal
They said its ok to put stuff on the internet.


Petr Valenta PetrValenta92
Beginner / Self-taught / Future Front End Developer


Miloslav Jezek milojezek

FPT Czech Prague, Czech Republic

Sveťa Margetová SvetlanaM
Why am I living on this world?

Kompilátor Milky Way

Honza Javorek honzajavorek
Creator of, a project for CZ and SK beginners in coding. Long-term volunteer in the Czech Python community. Czechia

Ypsilonx Ypsilonx

T.C. (me) Czech Republic