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Amalinda Gamage amalinda
free software enthusiast.


CS Student
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mario Tumasionis mariotumasionis
weapon systems and thinking rocks
Oscar Love o-love

MemVerge San Jose, CA

Ella Moss accellarando
University of Utah, BS Computer Engineering, 2024


ENVY clashatdemonhead
~ And when I'm alone in bed at night I'm wishin' you were holdin' me tight

Singer of the band 'Labrador Peninsula'

Avindra Goolcharan avindra
Owner/user of: Pentium 4 → 98 → XP → Linux → Visual Basic .NET → JavaScript → C# → PHP → Shell/UNIX → C++ → Rust → Go → Threadripper →Core i9

United States New Jersey

Lucas Martín lmtreser
Teacher, technician. I build and fix things.


W4ltz PeterWaIIace
Signal Processing Engineer, computing passionate, emergent intelligence, applied math

@NativeSensors @emerging-researchers-alife Europe

Koson Trachu koson
Hardware and Software.

Departmentof Engineering Education, Faculty of Industrial Education, KMITL. Bangkok, Thailand.

WEISER Research Group @ National University of Singapore weiserlab
Wireless, Embedded Intelligence, Sensing, and Emerging Technologies (WEISER) research group at National University of Singapore


I love rockets !!!

UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA

allen tern allentern
Learn about data processing

apr-ioe 北京

Dhairya Shah dhairyashah1
Embedded Systems | Wireless Networks | IoT

@weiserlab - National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore

Ryan.ZHANG lingdu

Sustech_RLLAB Sustech ShenZhen China

Marcin Dąbrowski mardab
Currently on a mission to (re)organize every coding inspiration.


wenlong aogrcs
focus in verification of real time embedded control system using static analysis, theorem proving
Thibaud Keller thibaudk
Find me on Codeberg
pskunccd skuncc
coder working with codes & coding

Real Live Xomputers USA

Rubén Oscar IGLESIAS vzreagle
Electronic hardware design and low level programming. Wireless technologies specialist. IoT, Machine Learning, AI apps

cod3ar Buenos Aires, Argentina