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Osama Abbas Osama-A-Abbas
Software Engineering | Backend Developer - Laravel PHP
Phoenix Dev🐦 phoenixdev0117
Sr. Full stack - Ecommerce developer
Taha Khalil tahakhalilcharif
- Software & Information Systems Engineer - Full Stack Developer - AI Engineer


Lucas Gomes lucasffgomes
FullStack Developer | PHP | React

@GaugeBrasil Brazil

Terror TH3AL3X
I don't know, I do things that work.

Maher Electrónica Spain

Stavros Kapridakis stavroskapris
PHP, Javascript, MySQL, Redis, AWS, Docker

@ferryhopper Athens Greece

Atik Bin Mustafij Sobuj sobujsoft

Tech-21 Systems Ltd Dhaka, Bangladesh

Harshvardhan shinde shinde999
👋 Hi there, I'm Harshvardhan shinde 🌐 Full Stack Web Developer | 💻 Passionate about Coding | Building Awesome Web Experiences
Hossein Raad DrjavaB
Web Developer and Linux lover ❤️

ECA Tabriz

Leon czfadmin

Hangzhou, China

Robert Yepez robypz
Computer Engineer


Jovaneah Zonxen
Hey there! I'm a Fullstack Developer, concern about Cyber Security. Reach me if you have any questions.

Jakarta, Indonesia

Matthew MatthewTheBird
Self-taught, full-stack web developer since 8 y/o. Proficient with WordPress & Laravel. Continually learning web technologies. HTML CSS JS PHP #UseThePlatform

@BirdBrainWeb BC, Canada

Josh Priddle itspriddle
Hosting and hosting accessories.

Clifton Park, NY

محمد عزت الكومي alkoumi
Coffee, Programming lover, ITIL®️ Certified, Full Stack Web Developer, IT Manager, COO of E-da’wah @dawah_jubail

Jubail Da'wah Association Saudi Arabia

José Rodolfo JoseRMartins
take what you want here

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Pisey Sen piseysen
Freelancer Mobile Development. | Android App Developer | Game Developer | Software Developer | Web Developer | Angular Developer | Open Source lover

Freelancer Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Jothimani_N njmani007
Web Developer


Bishawjit Mondol Bishawjit-Mondol

@adovasoft-rnd Dhaka, Bangladesh

EagleKing DevHawkNov
Full Stack Developer | AI Engineer
Gabriel de Souza Valenço gabrielvalenco
Full-Stack Developer I specialize in Back-end development. Principal coding languages: Laravel Python JavaScript

Grupo Prodemi

Shohanur Rahman Shohan shohancs
Software Engineer | Full Stack Web Developer | PHP | LARAVEL | SQL | React JS | Node JS
Nicolas Giraud ngiraud
Freelance Web-developer

Limoges (France, 87)

Izack Kimario cyber4life2
Cybersecurity beginner exploring ethical hacking, network security, and Linux. Learning, and building skills

Arusha Tanzania

Laurence Rawlings LaurenceRawlings
Consultant software engineer in London, UK. BSc Computer Science and MSc Cyber Security.

@Solirius United Kingdom

Abubaker Elsayed Abuelhassan bokarios
You can think of me as, a man who found his passion in coding and problem-solving, with a ridiculous love of challenges.


John Patrick S. Bendaña JPeeSbee
Junior Laravel Developer

Makati City

Renis DengnisR

Interconexa Network C.A Venezuela