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~ aka goonf!sh. PancakeGoon
🧠 Resource Hoarder (Perma-learning) KeebDweeb. Synths/Sampling/Tape-Abuse. Musical coding & synthesis. Rally-sim. ...and DIY hackery of all'a'dat!

Dirty Fishbowl

Audiovisual Experimentation, Creative Coding and Interactive Sound Design

Leiden University Netherlands


@ciesin-geospatial nyc

HANZLLA SOOMRO Hanzllasoomro
Software Engineeer Java Developer Web Developer
Ryan Yard ryanyard
Helping others feel a sense of calm.

stillness, LLC Austin, TX

Mace Ojala xmacex
Software studies, STS, software scholarship, philosophy of technology, nice things 👨🏻‍💻🍉

Bochum and Copenhagen

Noah Dobbs tapecanvas
music, video art, cybersecurity, linux, web, norns, serge, and lots of coffee

South Central Appalachia

One Suave Studio Tonybologna69
music , mushrooms , muscles
Julien Meunier ayalavalva
Spending my time doing audio research, audio synthesis, algorythmic composition, and building compact audio performance systems.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Alessandro ale-zec
MSEE student at Politecnico di Milano

Milano, Italy

pratompong.n gnopmotarp
Based in Australia

NSW, Australia

Don Okuda donokuda
Actual human being

San Francisco, CA

Bruno Gola bgola
sound, art and code


André and-kal
┊┊ open-source / selfhosting / open access endorser ┊┊ freelance full-stack web developer ┊┊ graduate of Digital Career Institute @FbW-E05-1 web dev class

@Sensape Leipzig, Germany

Forrest Baer forrestbaer
Have you tried turning it off then on again?

Contract only New Orleans, LA

Matt Ratleph mattratleph
christian. minimalist. hacker. creator.


Jameson Nyeholt wintermuted
I'm a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft, working in the Ads business.

Microsoft Portland, Oregon, USA

Michael Dewberry Dewb
software architect @Autodesk, he/him ⌌◱◧ art + art-enabling tech ▵▽▵ sculpture, architecture, music, video, theater, electronics—ideally all at once
