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Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Pablo RM murapa96
Software Developer with a focus on web development encompassing both Frontend and Backend. Experienced in cross-platform application development.

Nova Industria Galega SL Spain

Michalis Michalos cyb3rmik3
Cyber Resilience & Intelligence Professional | SecOps, Threat Intelligence & DFIR | Microsoft Security MVP

Alpha Bank Greece

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

'KFACBT' is not defined. gytxtx
Hi, I'm KFACBT (aka gytxtx). Just an ordinary guy. That's all for now. For more information, please refer to the README on the right.

None Worldwide

Derick Nieuwoudt dnprojectsservices
New Developer

DN Projects Services South Africa

M NotMbk
Trying to make something with C#
Peter Peppe426
I strive to be a humble prestigeless developer. I hope to help others to see the beauty in code as I do.


Ricardo Peres rjperes
Founding Tech Lead at Evolve Software Portugal. Microsoft MVP

Evolve Software Coimbra, Portugal

aprogrammer aprogrammer-ru
Full Stack C# .NET JavaScript Developer

AProgrammer North Pole

Sugar High Sudo sugarhigh-sudo
Learn everything, everywhere, everytime.

404 Shanghai

Darren Neese (Power Apps MVP) PowerAppsDarren

Super Power Labs Orlando, FL

LionelL LionelLalande

@ippontech @MTG-France @MTG-Bordeaux @LsquaredTechnologies @Betclic @Betclicgroup France

Maarten van Stam aafvstam | Office Development Live Coding |

MVP The Netherlands

zyxucp xuzeyu91
Microsoft MVP,Huawei Cloud Developer Experts,Good in dotnet, microservices, system architecture, dapr, k8s, docker, etc., recently focused on the AIGC field.

AIDotNet hubei,wuhan

Diviyesh Patel diviyeshpatel
Front-End Developer: Design In Variety, Build On Technology.

@BWLegal Wakefield, UK

Pouyan Khabazi pkhabazi

CoFend InTheCloud

Macaulay Macaulay1234
I am online Creator

Benefits account,Card and online Cradit Management company USA

Emre Ozan Memis EmreOzanMemis
Microsoft MVP awards for 5 consecutive years | Microsoft Certified Trainer for 4 consecutive years | Solution Manager @obss | @Azure MVP

Solution Manager at OBSS Turkey

Rodrigo Liberoff rliberoff
👋🏻 Hi there! I'm Rodrigo, a Computer Engineer with 20+ years of experience in designing, developing, and delivering software systems and applications.


James D. Bartlett III JamesDBartlett3
Microsoft MVP | Senior BI Analyst @ Des Moines Univ. Opinions mine. #Humanist #Musician #SoundDesigner #Science #Technology #Philosophy #History #BLM

Des Moines University Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions



4809 Tasha-Bwari Rd, Abuja Municipal / Federal Capital Territory

Daniele Corsini franklupo
I like the code, pizza and the beer. Never stop dreaming, only dreamers can fly.

Corsinvest Srl Italy

Jaures Beinjamin beinjamin
• 🌱 Software Engineer • • 💡 LinkedIn Top Voice • • 🎮 Gameur • • 🏆 Microsoft MVP • • 🥑 Senior Community Advocate •
Andrew KeepCoding AndrewKeepCoding
Windows Dev Microsoft MVP


appledog 08183080

Society Mars

Edinei Oliveira eddieksh
I´m a dev web who is always learning.
玫瑰之蓝色 BlueColorDemon
思维是进步的本质。 Thinking is the essence of progress .

Taiyuan, Shanxi, china.

R&D Engineer, Architecture