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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Christopher Hunter crhntr
Computer scientist who loves writing/reading/teaching/debugging Go.

Hadrian Automation, Inc. Los Angeles, California

Zack Williamson zunderscore
Probably eating a hot dog right now. I help make Firebot and Firebot accessories

Alloy Consulting Tampa, FL

Eric Sherrill esherrill-uisg
Just another systems architect

Ex-UI Solutions Group Chicago, IL

Matthias Pfefferle pfefferle
Webworker, podcaster and blogger, advocate of the #openweb and citizen of the @indieweb and the @fediverse, working on #activitypub & @indieweb for @WordPress

@automattic fediverse

ShadowCreator250 ShadowCreator250
Hobby Coder/Dev and still have a LOT to learn.


Andrei Jiroh Halili ajhalili2006
Building OSS at @recaptime-dev and @lorebooks-wiki (mostly backend dev in Deno and Node.js and BDFL), Autistic Filipino, @hackclub community member

@recaptime-dev (fiscally sponsored by @hackclub) The Philippines

Levi Tomes ltomes
I write software in the ☁️. Appdev, terraform, πŸ¦€, python, πŸ“Έs of mountains, t1d.

Tomes Consultancy Minneapolis

Risotto Bias unusualevent
Appsec and fediverse nerd.
Tachun Wu tachunwu
Ex-Google DSC Lead / Brobridge Software Eng Founder of Rainforest

Awareness Labs Taoyuan

Onuh Chidera Theola lady-thee
I'm a Backend Developer from Nigeria, with experience with Python and Python frameworks such as Django, FastAPI and Nodejs/Express and Nestjs

Federal University of Technology Owerri Nigeria

Matt Welke mattwelke
Software engineer and open source enthusiast. Working on Kubernetes stuff at Spectro Cloud.

@spectrocloud Toronto

Ch Mzr chaltenio
Community @ - - @cncf Ambassador - Founder @Cloud-Native-Summit


Tsuki TsukiZombina
Data Scientist, Computer Scientist and Chemist who loves knowledge and help along.

EY Mexico City


@google Longmont, CO

Jasdeep Singh jay-dee7
Go | Containers | DevOps | Cloud

Remote, Earth

Chris "Not So" Short chris-short
Open Source | DevOps | Kubernetes Contributor | r/devopsish | Disabled Veteran | LEGO | Corgis | Detroit | He/Him | Views solely mine

@ctrliq Detroit, MI

MadokVaur MadokVaur
First web site using pico text editor over telnet, 94-95. Domain name up 98. Intrusion detection at home using iptables, PortSentry, Logcheck and Snort 99-03

Swift Water lands, Salish Sea, Cascadia, North America

August Miller AugustMiller

@oof-bar Portland, OR

Anthony Nanfito ananfito
Former mathematics teacher turned data analyst πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»
Randy Macdonald jrandym
Computer Science Teacher at Corvallis High School (CSD59J)

Corvallis, OR

TD Mackey tdmackey

San Francisco, CA

Jim Park jim80net
SRE and DevOps

@teslamotors San Francisco, CA

GANitak GANitak
_______ Get in the kernel wagon ________ ------- Observability & Security ------- -- OPEN SOURCE πŸ’š Earth

Tommy McCormick mccormickt
infrastructure, security, go, & rust

@Adversarial-Risk-Management Atlanta, GA

freiheit freiheit
Systems Engineer / SysAdmin / DevOps / SRE Work stuff is mostly on alt acct @eric-eisenhart (ISP) Northern California

August Trapper Bigelow atbigelow
Coffee, code, and concrete. Trying to make good software to make life gooder.

@artemishealth Utah

alexander zillion azillion

Midwest, United States

prairiewolf hnidoaht-101
⚑ Low-Level Engineer πŸ¦€ 🐾 Playing with Embedded Systems πŸ”§ as my hobbies.

@prairiewolf-lang Ho Chi Minh

Linh Pham questionlp
Wait Wait Stats Person, Software Release Engineer and a General Dork


David davidbeckonline
Tinkerer. Ad-Tech professional.

Berlin, Germany

Eduard Itrich itrich
Contribution Manager at @porscheofficial | πŸ”₯ for Open Source and Collaboration

@porscheofficial Offenburg