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Soham Dixit soham-dixit
SWE Intern @ TomTom | 3x SIH Winner | Singapore-India Hackathon'23 Finalist | ETHIndia 2023 | TIAA AI Hackathon | Flutter & Backend Dev

TomTom Pune, India

Rafid Al Haque rafidalhaque
Programmer | STEM Enthusiast | CS Undegrad | Cosmopolite Muslim | Islamist

Internet Space's biggest Inn

Adam Albright Rehket
Computer Science Graduate of University of Central Florida working as a software engineer in Florida

The ODP Corp Titusville, Florida

Sven Karmann sv3n88
GIS Software Developer

@siticom Neuburg, Germany, Europe

Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance. ❤️

@Xiaomi @1Password @Kotlin Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

Narcun81 narcun81
Memberilah kamu, maka kamu akan menerima.


汤迅 Townsend521
CUMT 2021Remote Sensing Science and Technology

CUMT China

Daryna Bahmet daryabagmet
Frontend Developer

Lisbon, Portugal

lemon_aa_ lemonardo1
Seoul, South Korea

Yonsei university Seoul, South Korea

Yueh-Cheng Chang austinyuch
Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS


Brazil Singh brazilsinghrittik
Open Mapping Guru, Asia Pacific WordPress Web Developer at Fiverr

Eastern University Dhanmondi, dhaka-1209

Erb3 Erb3
½× developer


Lethios Lethios
Python | Data Science | Open Source Contributor | Automation & Optimization
Jesper Pedersen yepzdk
Digital-, Web-, Frontend-, UI-, UX-Designer since 2007 - Creating thoughtfully crafted digital experiences for our beloved devices.

@itk-dev at Aarhus Kommune Denmark

Blixor blixor
Full-Stack | Blockchain Developer | Building Scalable, Secure Solutions


Franziska Pusch Kuh-Gawier

Germany Fürstenwalde Spree

genkey6 genkey6
Luckas luq7
Nerd guy does tech

Titan Advanced Energy Solutions On Earth

Hassan Arara HassanSd250
Front end developer at beginner My contribution on Openstreetmap


krishna harshith ByteTrooper
My machine learning algorithm predicts 99% chance of pizza for dinner

IIITDM Kanceepuram Chennai

George C ByGeorge-
Definitely interested in language and programming.
Chaitanya Kadu ChaitanyaKadu03
Programmer programming...

Pune, India

Giandomenico Lombardi Giando
Proudly powered by @LombardIT 🇮🇹 Developer w/ ❤️ of @LombardiMusic @ConceptGroove @Jerberas @FuseLab @HyperDisco & more. Follow me only 🔞 ! 👋 😘

@LombardIT @LombardiMusic @ConceptGroove @Jerberas @FuseLab @HyperDisco Milano÷Fasano, ITaly

Ignacio Gertie NACOA
Sociólogo. A veces trabajo con datos

Don Torcuato

Du Tham Lieu pierrepicaud
Bachelor in Computer Science and Informatics