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Lindsey Catlett lcatlett
Principal Architect at Pantheon

Pantheon Washington, D.C.

Markus Poerschke markuspoerschke
Hello! I am a software engineer.

@schuettflix Velbert, Germany

Stefano Arlandini ste93cry
💻 Senior Backend Software Engineer ~ 🎮 Addicted PC gamer ~ 📸 Amateur photographer

@scayle Padova, Italy

JellyTony JellyTony

映客直播 北京市朝阳区望京

Flc゛ flc1125
Do things that affect others.


PHP Developer

Belgrade, Serbia

季帅 wueryi

北京值得买科技股份有限公司青岛分公司 青岛

Mauro Verón mauroveron
Software & systems engineer, musician, noob mountaineer. Go | Elixir | Python | Typescript

Hyperfocal Queenstown, NZ

Tarık Filiz tarikflz
Software developer for Etiya company , in love with coding <3

Etiya İstanbul

Ahmedul Haque Abid a-h-abid
Software Engineer (PHP, Laravel, NodeJS) with DevOps capabilities (Docker, Kubernetes, EFK) for 11+ years.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Benjamin Doherty bangpound
Expert PHP, Drupal and Javascript developer in the Midwestern USA.

@ActiveCampaign, @R-Shief and others Chicago

yangtao runtu666

Foxit HeFei

Eric Wallmander walle89

Carasent Gothenburg, Sweden

Guillaume Loulier Guikingone
PHP developer @sensiolabs and forever learner, former @OpenClassrooms mentor. I share my knowledge through the web, oh and i love pizza

@sensiolabs France

Lam Tran tranngoclam
Software Engineer 🔥

Grab Vietnam

John Spaetzel jspaetzel

@dropbox San Francisco

Kristoffer Högberg hmazter
Web developer, currently with a focus on PHP, Laravel, DevOps, and serverless.

@MultisoftWorkbuster Stockholm, Sweden

Gaël Reyrol gaelreyrol
Fullstack & Ops, @42school 2013 alumni

@PrestaShop Lille, France

Software Engineer with great passion in distributed systems and solution architecture. Always connecting software to people.

PicPay São Paulo

I'm passionate about turning challenges into innovative solutions. With over a decade of experience in web development.

Olinda, Pernambuco