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Victor Sollerhed MPV

@pagero Gothenburg, Sweden

Leonardo Rifeli leonardorifeli
I'm a Brazilian Entrepreneur & Data Scientist! Remember that there is no code faster than no code. Gopher since 2017.

@HarmoDeveloper Antônio Carlos - SC

Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Thiago Camargo thiagocamargodacosta
Using Go and Python to build things and solve problems
Hiroto Funakoshi hlts2
Gopher. ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ

@civo, @vdaas Tokyo

KeisukeYamashita KeisukeYamashita
Site Reliability Engineer based in Vienna, Austria


Eddú Meléndez Gonzales eddumelendez
Java Chavo, Software Engineer and Open Source Contributor

@docker Ica, Perú

Tim Bastin timbastin

L3montree Cybersecurity Bonn

Anita Power


Carlos Aguilar carlitoswhey29
Software Security Engineer
rj winkler rjwink
"Good judgement comes from experience, which typically comes from bad judgement"

Cincinnati, Oh

Josh Oates oates
if at first you do not succeed then skydiving is not for you

@defenseunicorns USA

Kyriakos Akriotis akyriako
Kubernetes, Go, C, eBPF, Open Telekom Cloud, AWS in no particular order or preference.

T-Systems International GmbH Hamburg, Germany

Mudit - devloprr
Founder of - A new age social media platform for Developers with some great features. #devloprr Worldwide

tari tarihub
Cloud Security | 🥬 CTFer


Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Lucas A. Bonini lbonini94

CI&T Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Will Slattum wrslatz
Software engineer in the OSPO @capitalone ☕ 💻 ⛰️

Capital One Asheville, NC

Ryan Hurst rmhrisk
@google, @letsencrypt, @globalsign, @microsoft, @PeculiarVentures and others. I like cryptography and modern web applications.

Peculiar Ventures Seattle, San Francisco

Oliver Bähler oliverbaehler
Always on the run

Peak Scale Bern, Switzerland


Purdue University

Micah Hausler micahhausler
Working on EKS @ AWS


Andrew Pollock andrewpollock
I'm a software engineer at Google, working on, which ties into open source vulnerability management and related software supply chain security.

Google Open Source Security Team Brisbane

marco gazzuolo gazzu
cyclist dad


Sathish SathishN

@Optum Bangalore, India

Riccardo Mazza r1cc4rd0m4zz4
I use the power of knowledge to obtain a better version of ourselves in the infosphere
Sam Sanders p-ssanders

Mechanical Orchard Boulder, CO

Chandu Paladugu devopstoday11
Innovator, DevOps Engineer, Cloud Solutions Architect & Cloud Native Architect.

Dallas, Texas, USA

abdou b-abderrahmane
Secure coding consultant at ABN AMRO Bank. Passionate about software engineering, software security and building/breaking things.

ABN AMRO Bank Amsterdam

Sertaç Özercan sozercan
👋 Software Engineering Manager @Azure

@Microsoft San Francisco, CA

pg2000 PG2000

@hdisysteme PID 1

Hazem Hemied hhemied
Linux administrator loves programming and simplicity.

@RedHatOfficial Germany