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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tony Thai trungthaihieu93-dev
Developer, Dreamer and Doer!

Innovation Labs Vietnam

Tony Thai trungthai-covergo
Totally warm and kind ~


Muhammad Farhan KT muhammadfarhankt
Diving deep into Blockchain Dev | Golang | Node.js | FOSS | Hobbyist Tech YouTuber

Omniflix Network Dubai, UAE

Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

ipuke ipukeone
german fulltime procrastinator - founder of shit life syndrome :):


Insigma Σ insigmav
Reliable Validator for a Decentralized Future

Insigma Σ

Laura Camellini jilt
Creative web3 developer.

demetratech Italy

Berny Berny-art
Headmaster at Pixelwizards, writing interactive, animated SVGs.

Berny Art Stargaze

Ray Dogol1


Shannon Lockett shazzar00ni
Never-ending curiosity. I enjoy creating and developing on my pooter. You do not need to be a "manager" to be a "LEADER". - SL 💯

ARTIFY-AI Australia


Blockchain Engineer at Cheqd

Technical analitic, Web Developer and Web3 enthusiast
Leon Tellez DevTellezz
Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales Desarrollo de Software


Maurice Randall Virtualbags
Dev Beta mod give me codes please. Let's work!!

Aws Northern Virginia

Dann daniel-ibok
Hi 🖐, I'm a fullstack developer 💻. contact me: [email protected]

Lagos | uyo

Minh Đăng perfogic
You're always in somebody's school

HUST Ha noi

Perelyn Perelyn-sama
I imagine it, I make it.


Anett anettrolikova
DevRel @LastL2 👩‍💻 R&D @NFT-Standards-WG 🥝 Ops & Everything @ethereum-magicians


Drew Hydepwns
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams Barcelona, Spain

Yuan 0xYuan90
人生是不断的攀登, biu❤️~


Sebastian Kogga k066a

@koggait Kassel, Germany

Dipanjan Mondal mdipanjan

@weaspire India, kolkata

Blockchain Badger Blockchain-Badger
I scurry around the blockchains, building dens and sometimes building blockchain code.

I keep good company. My own den

I'm a hark of the chain


Alan Tseng alanhc
stay curious and keep learning.

@line, National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

Dia C Justdiaastrid

Kahuna LLC Singapore / Dubai

shane.stars shanev
Stargaze co-founder. Rust enjoyer. ⛓️
