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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ricardo rmdes
Middleware engineer | wanna be solution architect Love to promote #Indieweb Passionate about #RSS #OSS #Fediverse #Bluesky Brussels

Carlos Eduardo Ferreyra carlosferreyra
Engineering Student National Technological University - Argentina @FRRe-DS 💻 Backend Developer 🐍Python - Django🌵

@FRRe-DS @UTN-FRRe Argentina

Simen A. W. Olsen simenandre
Founder of @bjerkio and @ayrorg, FOSS-developer and contributor at @pulumi.

@bjerkio Oslo, Norway

Oscar Gonzalez A Gitfoot
I'm passionate about learning and teaching. I am an optimistic open source person that believes that coding can change people's lives for the better

Mexico CIty

Zixuan Liu zixliu
Developer at Knowit 👩🏻‍💻

University of Oslo Oslo

CoMarBoys maquintoch
I am an easy person who likes learning and sharing knowledge.
Pablo Ordorica Wiener pablordoricaw
first name: Pablo last name: Ordorica Wiener

Columbia University NYC

Jared Lynskey jaredlynskey
In the vast world of Software Engineering, I’ve found my niche. It’s not just about writing code for me—it’s about leadership.


Leslie Owusu-Appiah LeslieOA

Casa Famiglia | Novoda | localhost % Terra

Fasakin Henry fasakinhenry
Fullstack Web developer and Great product designer. Tech enthusiast, Aiming to learn And perfect MERN stack. Programmer @alx

@henqsoft Lagos, Nigeria

Sunit Kulkarni Sunit-Kulkarni
Engineering Manager | Golang | Cybersecurity

GoTu Miami, FL

Eduardo Santana eduardo3g
Software Engineer passionate about AWS, Serverless, and Javascript-based technologies. Currently deep-diving into event-driven and cloud-native architectures.

@gympass São Paulo, SP.

Wesley Teixeira wesleyteixeira

Nuvem Tecnologia Ltda Brasil - Cuiabá/MT

Mark Garrison garrmark
DevOps Leader | Developer Experience, Building Community, Problem Solving | APM, CI/CD, IaC, Azure Service Fabric, Kubernetes

@CodeLogicIncEngineering Denver, CO

Josh Leroux jleroux98

FreeWave Technologies

Jack Hall haljac

College Station, TX

Laci Videmsky ("Lah-tsi") videmsky
I love building things that matter, working with healthy teams, and surprising & delighting the world with the result. "Lah-tsi" not "Lay-cee”

Pulumi Central Coast, CA

Carles Mata cmmata
Web and app developer. Currently working at @MeetingLawyers and always at @appsinet.

@MeetingLawyers Valls

Cory Hall corymhall

@Pulumi Charlotte, NC

Torsten Behrens torsten-online
Open Source Enthusiast | Cloud Engineer | Interested in politics | Always friendly | World moving | Follow me! 📚

Nueremberg / Germany

Simon Andersson hellozimi
💻 Software engineer 🇸🇪 Stockholm ⌨️ Mechanical keyboards Sweden

Evan Harmon evanharmon
Technical Staff @MaterializeInc

@harmonsoftwaresolutions Asheville, NC

Stoo Johnston stooj

West coast of Scotland

Arun Sathiya arunsathiya
Looking for full-time software engineering opportunities in Go.

Madurai, India

Anais Urlichs AnaisUrlichs
Platform Engineer


Nate nloum
I'm Nate. I enjoy building apps that make my life and my friends' lives easier.
Matt Shields mattboston
SaltStack Certified Engineer / Sr DevOps/Linux Engineer

Worcester, MA