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Navachethan Murugeppa Navachethan-Murugeppa
MACS@Concordia | Interest: Computer Science | Finance | Management

Concordia University | Montreal

Satoshi.masih.morteza MORTEZAMIRsa
The original godfather of Bitcoin and besinesnan all tecneloji

MASIH Iran .tehran

Kudratbek (aka. Joseph) kudratbekkamoldinov
Full Stack Software engineer.

Woosong University Daejeon, South Korea

Scott Beeker prosandmusic
Tech Entrepreneur. Tunester @opensource-tunester New-Create-React-App @community-react OpenwebNxt @OpenWebNXT

@opensource-tunester @community-react @OpenWebNXT San Francisco, California

Tomar Abhay TomarAbhay04
My name is Abhay Tomar. I create innovative web and mobile apps that solve real problems and make life easier, focusing on efficient and user-friendly solutions
GuuuuuuuoZi GuoZhuoRan
I wanna get more friends!!!
Darren bagguo
Android/Web3 developer


Hong hardmanhong
Keep moving.


Umang Gadhavana ug-dev
Full Stack Developer

Rajkot, Gujarat, India.

Afonso Narciso Da Silva AfonsoAfony
My name is Afonso Da Silva. I am student of programming, more directed to area of the web, I am a web full stack developer


Hamdy Mohamed Askander hamdymohamedak
Front-end Developer || Web(React.js)🌐📌 Mobile(React Native)📱💙 Desktop (Electron)🖥️⌨️


Kushal Bhanot KushalBhanot
Small wins everyday.

Rario India

Deepak Kumar deepakmp444
Full Stack Developer


Peter Grubelnik pegru
Passionate Frontend Software Engineer. Graduated from Graz, University of Technology with a thesis focused on model learning of a React Web Application.

Dynatrace Graz

Abhinav Anand iamabhi9v
Software Engineer | Data Analyst | Photographer | Video Gamer

Campus 365 Delhi, India

Daniel Ruiz danieRG
Mobile Tech Lead
Brannon Hall brannonh
I code.

@masterysystems Northeast MS

Ahmed Ali Ansari Ansari1120
Hey There ! I'm a Computer Scientist working hard in some domains, i love the most : WEB03(Blockchain) || Full Stack Dev web mob (MERN , NEXTJS, REACT NATIVE)

PIAIC, Jawan Pakistan, ICOT SOLUTIONS , Indus University Karachi , Pakistan

Praveen kumar Praveenkushinpi
I' am enthusiastic coder from India and want to bring change in this world by some companion robots* learning right now* and want to create a best interactive

member of @hackclub Etawah

Tiago Paz j-peace
Designing and developing responsive applications across multiple APIs, third-party integrations and databases.


it's me its-me-mhd
Hey there, welcome ...

Zero To Mastery Academy united states

Matthew Dolan mdolancode
iOS Developer | Husband | Dad | DJ | Electronic Music Producer | Bagpiper

Matthew Dolan Apps Vancouver, Canada

Codethenic theAmit10
It's all about karma


Linda.Wei MayWei

Sydney, Australia

Gabriel Cecon Carlsen ceconcarlsen
Full Stack Software Engineer

UNESP Brazil

Mohsen Shubar MShubar
Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML, Java, CSS, EJS, C++, C#, MATLAB, Assembly, Swift, Kotlin, SASS, LESS, SQL

BookComb Manama

Server Developer
