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Rinie Huijgen RinieH

DevOps Masterminds

Grzegorz Piszczek tytusspullo
c# programer,loves SQL and databases, loves complex subqueries and optimize them, had oportunity develop many Redgate products, knows HR and payroll software

TKomp, RedGate Bydgoszcz

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Kris Raviphas Krissy510
Software Engineer @red-gate

Redgate Software Cambridge, United Kingdom

Shahriar ShahriarKh
🖥🎨 Programmer && Artist. Immersed in Web Development, interested in Math and Computer Science, cherishing Drawing and Animation.
Grzegorz Piszczek GrzegorzPiszczek
c# programer,loves SQL and databases, loves complex subqueries and optimize them, had oportunity develop many Redgate products, knows HR and payroll software

TKomp Bydgoszcz

Jonatas de Mello jonatasdemello
Engineering Manager | Software Developer

@CareerCruising (Xello Inc) Ottawa

John Q. Martin johnmart82
Data platform engineer with over a decade of experience with Microsoft technologies.

Aberdeenshire, UK

Amit Kumar kumaramit17
Project Lead

Persistent System Pune

Syed Abdul Fathir SyedFathir
Software Engineer at Redgate Software

State of North Dakota ITD

Christoph Soliseum
Full Stack Developer. I am a bio-optimizer with a love for learning and a gift of creativity.

Southern California

小辉辉 MrXhh
A developer


Panagis Artoumas panagis

The Trade Desk London, UK

Louis Davidson drsqlgithub
Data Platform MVP Cleveland, TN


Redgate Cambridge Cambridge

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Hussain Mustafa hussainmustafa95

Redgate Softwares Cambridge

ziranquliu ziranquliu
Tom Goodyear tgo-rg

Redgate Cambridge

David Bick drybones

@red-gate United Kingdom