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Aykut Çağlayan ayk-caglayan
music composer, father of three, (scientific) sceptic, bicyclist.

Berlin, DE

Roman Turowski PhD romanturowskidev
Researching the impact of music on the body and consciousness. Developing a model to predict diseases from voice analysis. Philosophy. Open to collaboration
Kornelius Paede kpaede
Professionally a music theater dramaturg and musicologist, not a programmer.


Laura Gayle Green lauragayle
musician, librarian, knitter, mountain woman, decent human being

Florida State University United States

Vicente Parrilla vparrilla
Musician, recorder player, improviser, PhD candidate, researcher, educator, recording artist.

@kuleuven Leuven

Anthony Weeden aweeden

Orchestral Limited London & Sheffield

Otso Björklund otsob
Computational musicologist (MA, MSc, PhD-to-be), data scientist and SW engineer.


PhiOfX PhiOfX
Φ(χ) software adventures


Fernando Gil fer-gil
Geek musician, pushing limits.

México / USA

UMANG GOSWAMI goswamiumang108
You may contact me at Email: [email protected] , [email protected]

Self Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

paffseb paffseb
IT Recruitment Consultant for Freelance projects in Switzerland

ITech Consult AG Baar

Lukas Himsel lukas-h
Software developer by day, in bed by night.

@scalabs Nuremberg, Germany