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Elimane Juuf jusot99
Code Until You Code Yourself

Freelancer USA

David Peña Avila David-Pena
Learning & Coding.

Cooweb LLC Los Angeles, CA

Balázs Németh zsilbi

WP Online @wponline Budapest, Hungary

Software engineer/Frontend developer. Likes good design and typography. @nuxt enthusiast, @vuejs @reactjs, @next.js, @sveltejs @sveltekit

Frontend Dev at ThuDoMultimedia Hanoi, Vietnam

Estéban Barbapapazes
I create user experiences on the web and in real life!


Patrick Cuppi patrick-cuppi
fullstack developer

São Paulo - Brazil

EddieWjy Eddiewjy
student in HDU-CS, interested in Web&AI 😉

Hangzhou Dianzi University Hangzhou Dianzi University

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

Love Lagerkvist motform
Design technologist researching interactions between computers, humans and planetary critters.

@5m Stockholm

Elias Sjögreen eliassjogreen
Founder of @denosaurs and creator of webview_deno. Contributing to the Nova ECMAScript engine. Former contributer to denoland. Slowly turning mad.

@5monkeys Stockholm

xiaomo zhangmo8
Keep learning and keep improving!!!


Shabix Shabi-x
Your spark is not your purpose,that last box fills in when u are ready to come live

Kwai beijing

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani
I’m @Iankulani, a computer scientist passionate about innovation 🌍.

@Green-Innovative-Bank Mzimba, Malawi

Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience

Baxter Spring ,KS

lukas werdermann
Software Engineer at Neusta Mobile Solutions

Neusta Mobile Solutions Germany

Batirov Saparboy sbotirov
Senior Backend/Mobile developer. Technical director at

Bulavka Biznes Ltd Uzbekistan

Hélitto S. Ferreira 0xBlooD
Current stack: Laravel, VueJS, InertiaJS and MySQL/Firebird

/@Kayser-Informatica /home/blood

Rongjun GENG rjgeng
A software developer

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Hong-Han Lim OHHANNN
A constantly learning newbie to coding. Sometime will put some Selfstudy here. Record my own growth.

Malaysian, Live in Taiwan

Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

H huang-1234

@Bytedance Inc. hangzhou

Sunilrai486 Sunilrai486
Software Developer | C# | .NET | Azure | AI | ML | Actively Seeking Full-Time Opportunities

@LambtonCollege Toronto, Canada

Hitalo Souza enghitalo
Apaixonado pelas áreas de varejo, saúde, agricultura, processos e design.

Dublin - Ireland

MidSeeLee Sh0ckWaveZero
Full Stack Dev.

MEDcury Krung Thep Maha Nakon

S.A.R. salman-ar-sar

Hatio Innovations Private Limited Kochi

yunai yunaimatsu
Just your typical Japanese anime/Vtuber nerd 🤓 Lately has been holding back on his "OTAKU activities" to focus on work 🧑‍💻
Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

tcarson cpiprint
Developer from the Windy City.

CPIprint Chicago

DaRui JianDaRui

didiglobal Beijing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


raj krishna Krishna-js45
helo Folks, Im Rajkrishna.

AlphaBytes.corp salem,India

Herbert Treis Neto herberttn

@philips-internal and @toptal Blumenau, SC, Brazil

Kauan Schaeffer K-Schaeffer
Sr Front-end Engineer

@Voxy Brazil

Lidessen lidessen

@ZOOM Suzhou, China

Louis Grange l0uisgrange
Student in microengineering and passionate developer

@s4finance Switzerland