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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


James Tauber jtauber
Python and Web developer using linguistics, data science, and open source software to help people better understand languages and texts.

Signum University Greater Boston Area, US


IDIS Santiago de Compostela

Brian Hamilton bdhamilton

Florida Southern College Lakeland, FL

Egemen Gülkılık cicimen Istanbul, Turkey

Tejomay Gadgil tejomaygadgil
Data Scientist

Bay Area, CA

Patrik Granholm PatrikGranholm
Curator of medieval and early modern manuscripts at the National Library of Sweden. Creator and developer of

National Library of Sweden Stockholm, Sweden

Bernardo C.D.A. Vasconcelos bcdavasconcelos
Interested in all things related to the ancient world.

UFMG Global South

Tony Jurg tonyjurg
Biblical Studies and Digital Humanities

Amsterdam Area

Ed Dodds eddodds
Revangel on the hero child's journey. Student of folklore, heterodox economics & history, liberal arts, natural theology, & the outré sciences. #XieJiao

Conmergence Nashville, TN USA