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Jonas jonasermert

Germany, Thüringen, Erfurt

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


ShyamSaran Rajendran ShyamsaranRajendran
Full-stack developer passionate about crafting robust web applications. Proficient in frontend (React, EJS), backend (Node.js, Express), databases (MongoDB,


Hugues LOPEZ-PARDO hugueslopezpardo
Research Engineer specializing in artificial intelligence, data mining, web and software development, mobile development, and code optimization.

Université de Caen - Normandie France

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Rahul Patil prahulk46a
Java | Spring Boot Developer | Building Scalable Backend Systems | Learning React & Next.js | Redis, Kafka, & RESTful APIs

Pune, Maharashtra

Charles Cianos (Charlie) ccianos
Wassup friends! I'm Charlie a beautiful Homo Sapien of hominization only for peace. BLM, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, the Working Class, the Poor and the Homeless matter.

Hagginwood, Sacramento, CA

Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

@simplr-sh simplr-sh
Everything web, but just simplr ! Earth

Nilay Baranwal nilayb12

Reliance Jio InfoComm Ltd. Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Sam Huynh samhwang
Senior Software Engineer at @Lyka-Pet-Food . Contributes to @viet-aus-it and @bifrostlab.

@Lyka-Pet-Food || VAIT @viet-aus-it || @bifrostlab Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Glenn Layson glennlaysonjr
Full Stack Developer

Dallas - Fort Worth, TX

Stanley M Ndagi NdagiStanley
Digital Products professional proficient in Technical Product and Program Management, Full-Stack Cross-Platform Software Engineering, and Technical Writing
Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Mouctar DIALLO abdoulmouctard
Software Engineer | Web Artisan | Machine Learning Enthusiast Paris

M Haidar Hanif mhaidarhanif
✨ Helping people in software, web, design, career, life. 🐻@bearmentor 🐱@catamyst 🐶@dogokit 🏯@bandungdevcom

@bearmentor @bearmentor-community Jakarta-Bandung-Bali, Indonesia

jam Sardonyx001
sand whisperer ソフトウェアエンジニア


CxsLucyfer CxsLucyfer
lost inn the dark

evelucifer Oslo Norway

Gabriel Bertola Bocca digitalbocca

Estúdio Digital Bocca São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Mohammed Saif moesaif
Code Artist , DevOps Engineer , and the Creator of SemiCode OS , Sarah AI

@semicode-ltd @semicodeos Abu Dhabi

Yousuf Omer JoDeveloper
Software Engineer Riyadh SA

Seonghyun Park shpark
Tired of mediocrity
Anton Dosta ClockRide
SWE @ San Francisco

𝕔𝕓𝕞 cbmongithub
🙋‍♂️ Hi, I'm Christian! A full stack developer from Utah 🧐 I am passionately curious about the modern web and emerging trends 🤵‍♂️ Open to opportunities

SLC, Utah, USA

treecko treecko16
Budding professional with the capability to quickly understand and improve complex systems. Seeking an entry-level position in computer engineering.
André Silva alousilva
Electrical and Computer Engineer with a master's degree in Renewable Energy. Working in the IT sector since 2016.

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Eyüp relliv
passionate full stack developer. ts, nx ng nest, react next, vue nuxt, php laravel livewrire alpinejs

NGEEN Istanbul

KrLite KrLite


THOMAS tangkunyin
Talk is cheap, Show me the code.