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vance caesiumtea
🔰 novice dev trying to get my footing. let's use tech to make the world a kinder place. neurodivergent, anti-capitalist, queer af. ✨

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Vishnu tren03
skill issues: 🟩⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️(69/420)
Dominic Martinez dominicm00
I'm a developer particularly interested in tools for thought, programming languages, and operating systems. If you want to chat, my inbox is always open!

@Affirm New York City

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Majramos Majramos
In a world when you can be anything, be the person who ends the meeting early.


Ther ckonata
Software engineering

Urbetrack Buenos Aires, Argentina

Wasif Baig baig

@NetAcquire Vancouver, BC, Canada

Lev Aronsky aronsky

@alephsecurity Tel Aviv, Israel

Álvaro Oliveira alvar0liveira
Native Android Developer


Jakub Korta metahke
Na co dzień pracuję z WordPressem, a także rozwijam się w zakresie programowania w językach Python/Rust
daniyal abbaszadeh dnyall
Front-End developer


Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Robert Weiner rswgnu
I develop user-centric software for unstructured and structured data/information management that is also well documented and easy-to-read.

New York Region

Aditya Kumar Singh TheMartian0x48
Hi, I am Aditya.

Arcesium Bangalore, India

Versun versun

Shanghai China

Hiago Souza hiagofss
Developer apaixonado pelo que faço!


Maximilian Kugler KarateKugler
Student at Uni Tübingen


Felix Riedel felixr

@google-deepmind London

eg canering

Tampa, FL