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Poznań, Poland 🇵🇱

Agung Prasetyo prazzdev
Student of Informatics. Interest to Web Development. A Newbie at Everything.

Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Asyrani Azni AsyraniAzni
Full Stack Developer (Laravel / Codeigniter + Flutter + Firebase Cloud Messaging)

@LiTS Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Jeromel Pushparaj Jeromel-Pushparaj
I explore the technology with my curiosity..

Tamil Nadu

Chantouch Sek chantouchsek
I love coding.

@mango-byte Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Mark Ordonez markomni

Honest Game Schaumburg, IL

Shevelev Anatolii shevl-dev

AE Studio Russia, Barnaul

Abolfazl Sabagh a-sabagh

Iran , Mashhad

Shafayat Hossain jQsafi

Arogga Ltd Mirpur

Murtaza Yurtsev myurtsev
Frontend / Full Stack Developer - Vue.js, Typescript, Nuxt, Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Inertia.js, Laravel, Livewire, Sketch/Figma

Studio Rebels Netherlands

titash TitasDas
Applied Machine Learning Scientist, Software Engineer


Big+ 4bigchoi23
🔫 Justice ain't gonna dispense itself. Someone has to fill this saddle.

Republic of Korea

swind xushifeng

China ShenZhen

George Kalandadze(ArtisanWiz) GeorgeKalandadze
Backend Laravel developer.


Sony Nguyen binhnlt
PHP Developer

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Deven Patel devenpateldp
Expert in Symfony, Laravel, Shopify, ReactJs, NodeJs, Opencart, WordPress, React Native, and Flutter mobile app development.

TheITWebCare India

GiriPurushotam GiriPurushotam
Self-regulated ! life long learner.
CNH industrial Vivek39761
CNH industrial EMP39761 DSP_UP

CNH industrial India pvt ltd Greater Noida

jplorenzini josepedrolorenzini
Programming while i am in this material world. Sydney , Australia

Jesse de Vries Jessedev1
Java / Web developer

@creativework Burgum

Cyril de Wit cyrildewit
Software Developer from The Netherlands. Building smart energy solutions at @chargee-energy using TypeScript (Nest.js), PHP (Laravel), gRPC and AWS).

Backend Developer at @chargee-energy Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Hafri Mohammed Ziyad ziyad-99
Software Engineer (DevOps), Full stack developer proficient in PHP (Laravel), Tensorflow for ML models, and Flutter for mobile apps.


Arthur Monney mckenziearts
Fullstack Designer - Laravel & React Developer. Laravel Cameroon Organizer @laravelcm | @shopperlabs 🛍

@shopperlabs Paris, France

Watson Cyrus Anikwai anikwai
A father of three, Mireya & Ghalavza & Benjamin.

Our Telekom Solomon Islands

Charles charles-chadwick
24 years of professional LAMP development. Currently adding Python to my belt.

Olympia, WA

Sang Lostrie baikho
Software Developer at iO | Python, PHP, Drupal, Laravel, Symfony | Open Source Software Contributor

iO Belgium

WolverStones Developer Czech Republic

محمد عزت الكومي alkoumi
Coffee, Programming lover, ITIL®️ Certified, Full Stack Web Developer, IT Manager, COO of E-da’wah @dawah_jubail

Jubail Da'wah Association Saudi Arabia

Thomas Alrek thomas-alrek
“Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”

@apility Bergen, Norway

Marcos Coelho mviniciusca
Laravel Product Developer / PHP Developer

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

David dligero-mdmsystems

Soccer System Pro Barcelona

Abdelhamid Errahmouni abdelhamiderrahmouni
🚀 Full Stack developer (TALL), passionate about enhancing web experiences and crafting robust back-ends. 💻


Yifans_Z imzyf
🚀 Go all out, code with passion.

Beijing China