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Async asynchronous-x
I am the actual, *literal* personification of the 💯 emoji.
Jourdan Franco Videocraft10
The most epic coder ever

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Carlos Mr20DL
Estudiante de Ingeniería de Software

Lima, Peru

Diego Andres Echeverri Sanin D-Bitman

en algun lugar de esta galaxia

Luis Fernando (Cookies) cokiesAndCreme
I'm a trainee dev | Oracle next Education | Full stack dev

Mexico, mexico city 🏙️

Francisco Griman fcoagz
Estudiante de Informática. 今を楽しめ

somewhere in the world - ve

David Enrique david-git-dev
Software Engineer °° I believe knowledge and wisdom should be shared.


Nicolás Mato nmatossh
Linux Engineer SRE & Operations Infrastructure Security & Monitoring. Hexacore Owner.

Hexacore Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sanlaris SanlarisDev
FullStack developer and graphic/web designer. I love music.

SanlarisDev Sevilla

Jeo 7JEO

San Diego

Franco Kazte
👨🏻‍💻 Full-stack 🕵🏻‍♂️ Cybersecurity Student


vyers vyers
🌃 Developer


Javier Cortés Pérez Ailakks
games client + server modder, web frontend + backend & native android apps developer :octocat:

@beatcorp Spain