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Jay H Lindsey JHLSanDiegoCA1
Retired Psychiatrist - Unlicensed, making a career change to a Full-Stack Web Developer, Cloud Devos. Still a student😁Learning So much!

Little Rich Chief Web Dev Co. San Diego, CA

Deaundre Keon hiwell Covitluat77
I'm the ower to all of the networks on the uniswap app I govern over all crypto currency Im here for positive world change i will be loyal to all who contribute


Umuoy umuoy1
Add a bio


Julio Cesar Garcia juliogarciape
Full Stack Developer - Member of @expressjs

Lima, Peru

Ulises Gascón UlisesGascon
FOSS Maintainer (@nodejs, @expressjs, @yeoman...) | Maker | @docker Captain, MVP, GDE | ex: @google @IBM

@nodesource Madrid

Anton Kulakov kulakowka
Fullstack JavaScript Developer

Tbilisi, Georgia

Carlos Sergio Vaz Porto Junior CarlosVazPorto
A radiologist doctor and musician that happens to be a lover of technology as well.

Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil

Nikki H Serenitychic
Fuññ stack global software, analytics, compliance & deployment developer. Crypto development pro

[email protected] Wisconsin

Harry Chen czy88840616 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Bashar Bashar2323
Hello world

[email protected] 3M4J+XP2 المزار, المزار الجنوبي المنشية, عمان, 61610, JO

Heather Heatherladue1
Nice to meet everyone

Heather Lee's housecleaning business Syracuse ny

Rudy Suhardy Bin Sidua sinbat2010

Mission Corporation Enterprises Malaysia

Nate Lubeck etnlbck
A multi-disciplined Creative Technologist, helping others become more creative, stupid, and generous. (🧱,🚀)

@t1p1 Murrieta, California

Zoezozo Zoezo111
Hi lots of different and new files learning more ever🤔yday😀🤓

Data Analyst London

Sam Ken samkenxstream
A person who pushes his limit to learn in life.Dont bully me whatever it takes,just to crash you off .Trust?for my self.I am open for collaboration

SamKen X Salon (SAMkenXEcosystem)@Philippines Philippines

Santiago Saiz Santiagosaiz
My life

Moneygangcityorg Pasadena

Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

Saad hussien yasoo6555
I want to withdraw my money

Matrex Egypt

Alpha Vylly AlphaLawless
Software Developer 🍪 | Math Enthusiast 🧮 & Love Tea 🫖

@saleshubdev PI, Brazil

Hussin Bin Hassan learn2grid
Experience delivering tech solutions. Avid programmer and fast leaner. Obsessed with detail and quality. Always to improve development and communication.

Baguz Foundation Pelabuhan Klang Selangor Malaysia