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Crypto Mickey mickey0511
Fullstack and BlockChain developer
Tagite Tagite
Program or Be Programmed.

Kumoh National Institute of Technology Seoul, republic of korea

আমি আবাবিল Ababil-Hossain
31 Dec 2024, 12:59 PMㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ|ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ29 Mar 2025, 06:24 AM
Jude Okechukwu Jaysmucci
Hi 👋 I'm Jude, Software Engineer.

Anambra State, Nigeria


Fly Over Buaran

Zsolt Oroszlány zsoltoroszlany82
Full stack developer, graphic designer passionate about crafting user-centric solutions. Proud member of @playfulsparkle.


Bryan Mishkin bmish
Software Engineer. Passionate about open source and helping developers maximize their productivity. @eslint team. Former @square.

New York City and San Francisco

Vladyslav Shevyrov AidXylelele
Студент КПІ ФІОТ ІМ-11
Rhyan Eduardo Rhyan-eduardo
Software Developer • Product Designer

Uno Network Offices, Inc. Brazil

nhsprite nhsprite
Cross Platform

ChangNing, Shanghai

mkeyhanil MkeyhaniM
Passionate about building responsive, accessible, and visually appealing web applications. Currently focusing on personal projects, open-source contributions,
Patrick Cuppi patrick-cuppi
fullstack developer

São Paulo - Brazil

JustEvil EvilG-MC
Mediocre programmer in spare time, and engineering student.

@Ganyu-Studios The Earth

huangshan Protagonistss

shinewing BeiJing

♥ 🦕 🦦 🦀 🐍
Isabel Borba belborba

Brasília - DF, Brasil

Ryan yellowryan
❤Like: Coding Cooking Eating Learning Traveling Sleeping

undefined China.HangZhou

玖然 Noctiro
Stars linger where time fades, weaving silent dreams into the fabric of eternity.


Danila Serpokrylov danyafaye
Hi, i'm Danila. Front-end developer

Softline Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Ayush Ojha ojhacodes
Hi everyone! I am a student and currently, I know languages like Python, js, HTML, and CSS along with UX, and editing. If you can then feel free to guide me
Takuya Iwashiro t-i-0414
Web Dev in Tokyo 🇯🇵 .

Tokyo, Japan