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Diana dianahern-andez
Boss Selektah

Tidal LA/NYC

Gautam gautamk
Block | Meta | AppDynamics | Cisco | Amazon | UW Alumni | Research Assistant @AffordabilityModelResearchGroup | Former engineer @kissflow

Block | Meta | Appdynamics | Cisco | Amazon | University of Washington Seattle

steven geller StevenGeller
passionate bitcoin engineer @ block | previously at coinbase, facebook, amazon, ea, microsoft

vancouver, bc

S€th wont-stream
Developing for both the frontends and backends of software.

@MENTALLY-GERM4N M€nt4lly 1n G€rm4ny

Willem Y Van Eck RKTMN
Current CII (Continuous Integration and Infrastructure) Engineer at Block (Square) Former Software Engineer at Nextdoor, DevOps, Int'l, Infra
Abel albellol
Just stay cool, cool? cool...

Phantom Group Hungary, Budapest

Dale Price tidaldp
If you like any combination of JavaScript, dogs, music, video games and horror movies, we'll get along well!

Chicago, IL

Bersabeh Negussie Mengesha bersabehneg

@tidal-engineering Oslo, Norway

Marcos skvggor
father — street runner — skateboarder — senior dev at @radixeng // motto: always learning
Cecília ceciliasaraiva
Senior Software Engineer, Mobile, iOS || AI enthusiast || Pronouns: she / her / hers

Tidal Barcelona

0x1a8510f2 0x1a8510f2

TIDAL Somewhere, The Ether

taylor ereio
creator of Syphon

@syphon-org Deep Space 9

Malte Bünz mltbnz
mobile developer

TIDAL Berlin

Ned Moore NedBM
🎨 Frontend Developer merging design thinking with technical excellence ⚛️ React ecosystem | 🔧 Component libraries | 📐 Design systems |

Freelance Philadelphia Pa

André Louw andrelouw
 Engineer

Berlin, Germany

Colin chill5018 Oslo, Norway

Malte mercedesbunz
iOS Engineer @tidal-music This is my work account; personal is @mltbnz

TIDAL Berlin

Lukas Juhas lukasjuhas

@block, @tidal-engineering Brooklyn, New York

Fazle Rahman Ejazi fazlerahmanejazi
multi-threaded persona


Van Johnson vanjohnson879

@squareup @tidal-engineering Richmond, VA

Fábio Malheiro fmalhe
Lead Engineer @tidal-engineering

@tidal-engineering Oslo

Alberto Sendra asendra

@tidal-engineering Valencia, Spain

sofster sofiaknezevic
iOS Dev 🌈 🍏

Vancouver, Canada

AliAminian AliAminian
Senior Software Engineer

TKE Germany

Konstantin Loginov ksloginov

Block/TIDAL Oslo, Norway