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Abhijeet abhijeetdhakane
PhD Data Science Engineering at the Bredesen Center, UT Knoxville- ORNL.


Anthony Onwuli AntObi
ML Scientist @materialsnexus Previously EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow and PhD @WMD-group Focused on data-driven materials discovery.

@materialsnexus London

Domi dominikusbrian
|Learn More, Do More, Share More| |Dream, Dedication, Discipline| |Honest, Humble, Helpful|

DreamBrook Labs Singapore

Souvik Manna Souvik-ml
PhD student at IIT Indore. Working on application of computation chemistry and Machine Learning on materials

IIT Indore Indore, MP, India

Patrick A. Bonnaud pbonnaud

Nagakute, Aichi, Japan

Meghana Rao Somepalli mejhana United Kingdom

Matt Shaffer wx-b

RIOS Palo Alto, CA

Liao Chang ScottLiao920
Rookie AI4Science researcher; PhD student under Dr. Wei Ying's supervision
Jinshuai Hu gelatiao
Shanghai University
Brinthan BrinthanK

Stanford University California, USA

Chemical tomography

Imperial College London & Finden ltd

Aron Walsh aronwalsh
Professor in Materials Design @ImperialCollegeLondon


Maria Carrillo MariaJCM

Michigan Technological University

WendaShi wendashi
Focus on FashionAI, Research Assistant of the fAshIon team at PolyU
Brayan Murgas Portilla BraMurgas
PhD student. I love music, specially classical music and tango, physics and mathematics. Interested in numerical methods and open source software.

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore

Celine Wang CelineWW
Data Scientist, self-motivated learner, attentive listener. Here for sharing, learning, and growing.
Haotian MA TSdreamer

University of Warwick Birmingham

Amin Sadeghi ma-sadeghi
Scientific computing, machine learning, software development

Carbon Engineering Vancouver, Canada