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codercat acodercat
LLM & Backend Developer

Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong

Sulman Baig sulmanweb
Sr. Software Engineer #RubyonRails #VueJS

Multan, Pakistan

Duygu Jones Duygu-Jones
Data Scientist | Machine Learning
Manjunath (MJ) mbilwar
Specialized in .NET Technologies and iPhone and Android Mobile App Development, Static and Dynamic Responsive Websites.

Crayons IT Solutions Mumbai

Federico Prado Macat fpradomacat
Hello! I'm Fede ;) I'm a passionate full stack software developer continuously learning. Happy coding!

Barcelona, Spain

Mounika neeratimounika
UI Developer 🧑🏻‍💻 || Application Engineer || Web Developer || React Js || Redux || Redux Thunk


Seth Labadie sethlabadie
I am a Data Scientist for NNData as a contractor for the Department of Defense. I am also an Army Reservist as a Lieutenant Colonel in Military Intelligence.

NNData Arlington, VA

LID6393 Sluchainost
◀ I want to become a god🌌 of Backend Development ▶


Chad McAdams chadthecoder
Graduated with a degree in Computer Science student from CSUSB.

Southern California

Eng. Kirolos Mayiz Fahem KirolosMFahem
the founder and CEO of @KMTeam-LLC

@KMTeam-LLC @EpicGames Cairo - EG

Fahad Murtaza fahdi
Software Engineer @toptal - Founder Gravixar - Founder iSuperCoder - WordPress Expert @codeablehq

Toptal Abu Dhabi - Islamabad - New York - Toronto

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Mehdi Almousavi Mehdialmoo
AI for media MSC interested in Python, C, C++
Anton Zaytsev antonzaytsev
Man on planet Earth. Currently interested in creating software on Ruby on Rails and other technologies.
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Martin Valdivia martinvaldivia
Systems Engineer & SME at TCS | Jr. Machine Learning Engineer at @OmdenaAI

TCS México

Md. Rakib rakib5561


Charles Mulder charlesmulder
Programmer by day. Music and electronics student by night.

Co. Wexforrd, Ireland

cvs0 cvs0
Full-Stack Dev, Minecraft modding enthusiast.

@LockScript-Solutions Canada

Meysam meysam81
Senior Site Reliability Engineer 🧑‍💻 Blogger ✍️ Voracious Reader 📚 Fitness Passionate 💪 Future Pianist 🎹

@licenseware Indonesia

GJ Tiquia gjtiquia
Just a regular guy coding for fun🔥

Toronto, Canada

Andy aimuch
AI Dev | Engineer | Runner.

❤ Inc. US

Frank frankpengau

Sydney, Australia