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Vincent delwwwinc
remote-friendly designer and developer digging into resources management and distributed systems, asynchronous agency and adhocracy 🧱 🌐 🌿

@argil-data Spaceship Earth

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


tcarson cpiprint
Developer from the Windy City.

CPIprint Chicago

Rajmohan rajmohan6268
🚀 Mad of Code 🧪 | JavaScript Sorcerer 🪄 | Full-Stack Alchemist 🔮 | Turning Coffee ☕ into Code 💻 | Master of the compute Application chennai,india

baizhi958216 baizhi958216
Hope you guys have a nice day. (*^_^*)


Angel Farias AngelFarias93
I am an entrepreneur who loves and is passionate about technology.


Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

jxlust jxlust
Web Engineer Use Language:JavaScript TypeScript Rust Java
Anton Begehr abegehr
building more

@Stealth Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Wyatt Walsh wyattowalsh
cookin' up some code 👨‍🍳 :octocat: :bowtie: :shipit: 📈

@jpmorganchase New York City, New York, United States of America

Guillermo Martinez Levin martinezlevin
🚀 Freelancer FullStack | Frontend (HTML5/CSS3/JS) • Backend (Node.js/Express) | Pasarelas de pago • E-commerce | Soluciones end-to-end

Córdoba Argentina

Jesse Hernandez jessebubble
Focused on web standards and modern user experiences

DEVSA San Antonio, Texas

Caleb Bright caleb-bright
Media Coordinator at Encounter Jesus.

@encounterjesus Ashland, Ohio

bruce bruce-ws
plain people


Constanza Pérez constanzaperez0215
Desarrolladora Web Full Stack JavaScript. Tengo una gran capacidad en la resolución de problemas y me adapto con facilidad a las nuevas tecnologías.


Rana Faraj ranafaraj
Coding till death do us part.

Sarab.Tech Benghazi

Nguyễn Anh Khoa anhkhoa1408
A Front-end developer.

Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Roy Hyunjin Han invisibleroads
Create and Share Runnable Tools Across Your Organization: Distributed Computing for Scenario Planning, Electricity Infrastructure, Hazard Mitigation

@crosscompute St. Petersburg, Florida, United States of America

Bruna Andrade brunalobo
Geography (UFRJ). Geotech enthusiast.

Rio de Janeiro

Ravi Mishra ravimishra007
Hi! My name is Ravi Mishra . As a skilled Full Stack Web Developer, I am dedicated to creating innovative solution that meet the needs of client and users.

Masai School Chitrakoot , Uttar Pradesh

Visal Raza Zaidi VisalRazaZaidi
Jr Software Developer | Front End Developer | Google Certified IT Support Specialist | CS Student | Pakistan


Leon K LeonKuhne
Problem-solving enthusiast, making ideas come true that nobody asked for.

Freelance Worldwide

Mukesh Selvaraj mukeshselv
AI Researcher 🐢| Deep Learning 💡, Gen A🎉, AGI, NLP, Computer Vision, & Beyond

Bengaluru, India

Dilshan Ariyawansha malindu-MD
👨‍💻 I am undergraduate at SLIIT University


Fullstack engineer.

Suzhou, China

CodeHare CodeHare


Joson LJoson
keep learning

Glimmerlab hangzhou

Yueming Gao Jye10032
Undergraduate from Northeastern University (China), class of 2021, major in Computer Science.

Northeastern University

Emil Telstad emilte
Utforsker nye høyder

Bekk Norway, Trondheim

Machine1376 machine1376
Grinding away, one bone at a time.
Raafey LismonJackson
C++, Python, MERN, Solidity developer.
Hamza Anwar hamzaanwar12
