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Clarence chemio9
A happy noob.

@atomclub Canton, China

momei momei-LJM
console.log('Hello World!')


Maxime Lafarie maximelafarie
Full stack dev.

@Maif France

Eric Friday ericbfriday
Minneapolis based developer who adores JavaScript.

NMDP Minneapolis, MN

İshak Gönül shakg
Trying to build robust applications with Python, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue.js, Angular, Electron.js, and Go (Golang).

Rewire Security Ankara, Çankaya

Cyril ccaulonque
fullstack dev @mobsuccess-devops

@mobsuccess-devops Bordeaux

Kuqoi a9


Jason Zhang kabeep
Full-stack developer, prefers Front-end.

Amoy, China

纸鹿/Zhilu L33Z22L11

Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications Shaanxi, China

Illia Obukhau iobuhov
Frontend coder, JavaScript fan.

Mendix Netherlands

Axuata axuata
A front-end developer

my home Japan

José Manuel Lucas jmlweb
I love to break and fix things

@freepik Murcia

Balázs Németh zsilbi

WP Online @wponline Budapest, Hungary

Unknown Moon unknownmoon
「:pushpin: Programming elegantly and brilliantly.」|Front End Developer|:octocat:|:computer: 某不科学的前端攻城师|:thought_balloon: 某科学的黑暗料理学家|:speech_balloon: 某爱好和平的吐槽星人…


Rohan genericrohan
Changing careers to become a developer. Currently employed in a role doing VERY JUNIOR WordPress & Laravel dev & some hosting/infrastructure work.


Komiljon Maksudov milimyname
Working on Taijobi

Viadukt Wuppertal

Angelo Aldecoa angeloald

rh Vancouver, Canada

Martin tincho
Software craftsman
alex rafter Alex-Rafter
front end, scripting, tinkering.

Front End @MBBluesky Coventry, UK

Yury Kastov kastov
Aspiring developer.
Gabriel Trzimajewski Sn0wye
Backend Tech Lead at Mundo Invest


JohnYang sicau-hsuyang


Shah Shahfarzane
Digitally Cool.

Bizlution Gothenburg, Sweden