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OpenStreetMap Microgrant_Template #14




Microgrant Proposal

Individual/Group Details

  • Name:
  • Group: if applicable
  • Location: city, country
  • Contact Details: provide email, mailing address, phone number, etc directly in email to EWG

Project Title

Project Overview

Explain in detail the idea you are proposing, with technical specifics if appropriate

About you

Provide a brief summary of you and/or your group and why you are well positioned to work on this project. Also indicate if you have previously been awarded an OSMF microgrant.

Objectives and Impact

Explain in some detail what problems project will address, how it will benefit the regional and/or global community, and how it aligns with the OpenStreetMap mission and goals? How is this project innovative, valuable, and have potential for impact? What will be the long term impact of the grant?

Grant Amount Requested (In EUR)

Provide detailed budget line breakdown (developer time, computation resources, travel, etc), along with the total requested.

Indicate if other funding sources will be deployed on the project, or if you are offering discount or partially pro bono time to make the project work

Also, explain the need for funding. why is funding necessary for this project to be successful?

Implementation Plan


Outline the timeline for implementing your idea. Include key milestones, dependencies and anticipated completion dates.

Community engagement:

How will you share plans and progress, and get input, from the community for this project?

SLA and maintenance and sustainability:

What will be service standards, and ongoing requirements for the project. What is needed for future sustainability?

Evaluation and Success Metrics

Describe the metrics and methods to evaluate the success of your project, in numbers if possible.


Assess potential risks (technical, community, etc) by identifying potential issues, their likelihood and impact, and how to manage them effectively.

Conflict of Interest:

Applicants must make a good-faith effort to avoid conflicts of interest to ensure their proposal is judged on the merits of their application.

  • Transparency:

Disclose any potential conflicts of interest with the OSM Foundation. Be open about your financial interests, relationships, and affiliations that could influence judgement on your application.

Recommendations: from Community and possibly from Working Groups

Provide links to testimonials or pre-recommendations on the idea, or have supporters comment below.





No type


No projects


No milestone


None yet


No branches or pull requests

Issue actions