From openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website#5132 is the second most visited page on the website, but is not a great place to land and understand the project. It needs to present legal information, but should also explain the project well and direct people to get involved ( does a decent job).
The CWG had developed recommendations on changes to content and presentation, and that text has been ok'd by the LWG and Board.
This now needs implementation. It reasonably straightforward. Requires some changes to layout in the view, updates/additions to the translation file, and perhaps facilitation of sufficient number of translations in the translation system.
Would be good to have guidance from maintainers if this is simple enough that it is sufficient to make this change in those text files and submit as a PR, or require someone to get the website running locally to test? Also, what is sufficient translation coverage for new strings in order to release an update?
And if someone wants to jump in and help with this small task would be much appreciated!