Discussed in #8539
Originally posted by DoktorLenz April 18, 2024
Hi there,
i noticed that in the scan step requests to clearlydefined are being made and cached in the ort cache.
But in the scan result no curations from clearlydefined have been applied.
So i checked the cached requests and noticed that the request use a wrong url.
E.g. I use the Package [email protected] from the Nuget Package Manager.
The request to clearlydefined used by the scan step is to the following url:
Which returns an empty array.
I wondered why the request uses the git type and github provider instead of using nuget.
So i manually changed the url to
which returns a propper result with.
Do i need to configure something so that ort uses the right type and provider or is this a bug?
FYI I am using ORT 20.0.0
Thanks in advance!
PS: I just found out that the url with git as type and github as provider works if the namespace would have been set correcty to "dotmorten", which is not the case with ort but manully it works: