Regarding two suggestions from issue #155:
The project MUST have at least one primary developer who knows how to design secure software. (See ‘details’ for the exact requirements.)
At least one of the project's primary developers MUST know of common kinds of errors that lead to vulnerabilities in this kind of software, as well as at least one method to counter or mitigate each of them.
Do we like the idea of placing requirements on lv3 maintainer training?
- higher likeliness of catching security defects during reviews
- lower likeliness of designing security defects in the system
- improved responses to security incidents
- improved trust and reputation
- more qualified security champions may build better security culture on the project
- barrier to graduation as projects struggle to ensure that a current maintainer has up-to-date training
- re-appropriation of resources toward training and credentials may frequently be met with pushback
- potentially unnecessary as projects at this level are likely to have a strong community to find defects
- How do we manage those topical differences? For example, the maintainers on argo-cd will need to think of software, container, orchestration, and networking principles, while argo-helm maintainers may only need to think about infrastructure and networking security.
- Do we need a system to ensure that Lv3 maintainers have done some recent and topically applicable training?
- Do we want to add a field to the Security Insights champions to allow tracking of these credentials?
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