Crafting Commons: A round table on cybercraft networks #29
## Description
Craft practices rely on the exchange and transmission of techniques, technical skills, tacit and explicit knowledge about materials and methods but also on the circulation of common values and ethos, fostering shared mindsets and communities.
Many of these communities around the world are developing and passing on these technical and cultural legacies to fellow practitioners, creating cultural and intellectual commons in the same movement, by organizing autonomous conferences, camps, short residency programs, and working collaboratively bringing local and international networks together. This session proposes to bring several of these practitioners together to discuss what their practices create beyond artifacts, and how they contribute to establishing self-determined communities and to fostering commons.
Labels: craft, heritage, traditions, neo-traditions, networks of practice, commons, digital communities, cyber physical, cyberfeminism, technofeminism, intertwined global and local networks
Assignees: Afroditi Psarra, Gabrielle Benabdallah, Heidi Biggs, Audrey Briot, Shih Wei Chieh, Amor Muñoz, Constanza Piña, Melissa Aguilar.
Type: [ streamed round table ]
Length: [ 2 hours (The way we envision the event is to give each assignee 5 minutes to talk about their practice and the type of work they do with local, and/or international networks of crafting commons. After about 50 minutes, we will take a 10-minute break and return to have a
Q&A session for an hour, where participants can interact directly with assignees and/or with each other through the chat and by talking.) ]
Date: [ between August 7-9 | ]
Duration: [ once ]
Language: [ english ]
## Objective
Connect cybercraft (working term) practitioners around the topic of traditions, heritage, and the commons. Foster an international network of digital communities, both traditional and “new”.
Articulate the political opportunities of craft practices and networks. Engage participants to forms of social activism that are stemmed from handicrafts, and bring together people of different cultural backgrounds, and research fields.
## Material and Technical Requirements
Platform: [ videoconferencing | im (We propose to use Jitsi Meet because it’s open-source and encrypted and does not require any prior installation. Although this is a one-off event we also propose to create a channel on Riot to keep in contact after the event. The whole purpose of the event is to connect practitioners and expand our networks, so we feel that an instant messaging app like Riot can help us do so. Riot is also used by the e-textiles community at large and it is proven to be a great way to maintain contact.) ]
Technical considerations: [75, open access to anyone interested in joining (Currently Jitsi has a hard limit of 75 participants, but even with more than 35, the experience will suffer.)]
Additional considerations: [alternative videoconferencing platform Zoom (Afroditi has an educational license through her school which can support up to 300 participants.]
## Presenters
Name: Afroditi Psarra
Email: [email protected]
Url(s):, dxarts softlab
Twitter: @afroditi_stereo
GitHub: afrdt
Name: Gabrielle Benabdallah
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @gabriellejbr
GitHub: gabjohar
Name: Heidi Biggs
Email: [email protected]
Url(s):, dxarts softlab Raquetball Score, dxarts softlab Infinity Synth
Name: Shih Wei Chieh
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @shihweichieh
GitHub: Shih Wei Chieh
Name: Audrey Briot
Email: [email protected]
Url(s): ,
Twitter: @audreybriot
GitHub: AudreyBriot
Name: Amor Muñoz
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @amormunozstudio
Name: Constanza Piña
Email: [email protected]
Name: Melissa Aguilar
Email: [email protected]
Presenters' Bios
Afroditi Psarra (GR) is an Athenian-born multidisciplinary artist, currently based in Seattle, WA. Her research focuses on the creation of artifacts through critical discourse. She is interested in the use of the body as an interface of control, and the revitalization of tradition as a methodology of hacking existing norms about technical objects. She uses cybercrafts and other gendered practices as speculative strings, and open-source technologies as educational models of diffusing knowledge.
Gabrielle Benabdallah (CA) is a researcher and PhD student in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington, in Seattle. She’s interested in how technology informs subjective processes and in creating artifacts that leverage computation to explore poetic and extramundane experiences. Her research focuses on how to integrate humanistic approaches into HCI and how that might enable different ethical relationships with technology, and therefore new modes of being in the world.
Heidi Biggs (US) is a design researcher pursuing a PhD in Human Computer Interaction and Design at the Indiana University Bloomington. Biggs uses research through design to playfully explore ways technologies can make climate change more tangible and support slow, place-based ecological understanding. She/They also sew and weave soft, sonic wearables to performatively explore feelings of gender non-binaryness.
Shih Wei Chieh (TW) is a media artist based in Taipei works with wearables, e-textile prototyping, and laser projector hacking. He is the founder of “Tribe Against Machine” an experimental platform that aims to bring more attention to developing areas, minority ethnic culture by organizing nomadic camps/labs. His current mission is to innovate a greenhouse in Tibet as a common ground for creating a bio lab and providing food to the local community.
Textile designer and technologist, Audrey Briot (FR) is cofounder of DataPaulette, a collective and hackerspace focused on research and development in textiles and digital technologies. Her work is dedicated to the impact of emerging technologies on the preservation of textiles savoir-faire. She is focusing on non-verbale communications transmitted by textiles which represent for her a substitute of writing. She relies on anthropological researches in order to formulate textiles as memory vectors, adding data and interactivity.
Amor Muñoz (MX) was born in Mexico City in 1979. Her work across textiles, performance, drawing, sound and experimental electronics to explore the relationship between technology and society, showing a special interest in the interaction between material forms and social discourse. She is particularly interested in how technology affects fabrication systems and how manual labor and handcrafts are changing in a contemporary global economy.
Constanza Piña Pardo (CL) is a visual artist, dancer and researcher, focused on electronic experimentation, free technologies and social practices. Her work reflects on the role of machines in culture, criticizing capitalism and the techno-patriarchy system. Interested in recycling, handicrafts and electronic wizardry in her sound project Corazón de Robota, she explores the field of audible and inaudible frequencies as physical perceptions and noise. Constanza is the organizer of the technofeminist meeting Cyborgrrrls in México City.
Graphic designer and artistic researcher, Melissa Aguilar (CR), is a collaborator of Cyborgrrrls Tecnofeminist Meeting since 2018. She is a student of the master of graphic design at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty of Art and Design (UNAM-FAD), and member of ICOM Costa Rica. Melissa is dedicated to art and tech, new media, museums, and art education. Her projects seek to bring together museums and makerspaces in order to enhance visitors’ experience through immersive practices.