Q | A |
Bug report? | no |
Feature request? | yes |
BC Break report? | no |
RFC? | no |
Version/Branch | @dev |
I overrided templates/headers like it's described in the documentation to support XSRF tokens via DunglasAngularCsrfBundle in GraphiQL. Now, when I run behat tests I'm getting this error:
In YamlFileLoader.php line 657:
There is no extension able to load the configuration for "overblog_graphiql" (in /Users/yuri/work/ex/gql/config/packages/graphiql.yaml). Looked for namespace "overblog_graphiql", found "framework", "overblog_graphql", "twig", "doctrine_cache", "doctrine", "doctrine_migrations", "security", "stof_doctrine_extensions", "lexik_jwt_authentication", "nelmio_cors", "dunglas_angular_csrf", "overblog_graphql_types"
My config/packages/graphiql.yml looks like this:
template: "GraphiQL/index.html.twig"
To fix this issue I was forced to add 'test' to the list of envs of GraphiQLBundle. This is not a big deal just wanted to let you know may be there is some kind of a better solution for this? Add 'test' to envs by default? Or fix documentation, may be config/packages/dev/graphiql.yml is more correct place for config (not completely sure if it works this way).
And may be overriding a service, writing a class to override headers is better than overriding GraphiQL twig templates (I was forced to code a Twig extension just to put this XSRF token to overriden template)?