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Testing drag and drop files view #311




Improvements in files view

Test Case Expected Result Result Chrome Result Firefox Result Edge Result IE 11 Result Safari Result public page Related Comment
Move several entries from "a" into "b" while viewing "a" Files are moved correctly
Move several entries from "c" into "a" using drop on breadcrumb Files are moved correctly
Move several entries from "a" into "c", hold on "b" to enter it, drop on "c" Enters properly in "b" and files are moved Row is not highlighted
Move several entries from "a" into "c", hold on "b" then "c" to enter it, drop on empty table space Files are moved correctly 🚧 🚧
Move several entries from "c" into "a", hold on "a" breadcrumb, drop on empty table space Files are moved correctly 🚧 🚧
Move entry into the same folder by dropping onto table space Nothing happens (because it is not yet developed) 🚧 🚧
Drag hold on a file (not folder) does nothing Nothing fails, no warnings 🚧 🚧
Copy several entries from "a" into "b" while viewing "a" Files are copied correctly 🚧 🚧
Copy several entries from "c" into "a" using drop on breadcrumb Files are copied correctly 🚧 🚧 owncloud/core#26103 (comment)
Copy several entries from "a" into "c", hold on "b" to enter it, drop on "c" Enters properly in "b" and files are copied 🚧 🚧
Copy several entries from "a" into "c", hold on "b" then "c" to enter it, drop on empty table space Files are copied correctly 🚧 🚧
Copy several entries from "c" into "a", hold on "a" breadcrumb, drop on empty table space Files are copied correctly 🚧 🚧
Having a/b/c copy several entries from "c" into "a" hold on "a" breadcrumb, drop inside Files are copied correctly 🚧 🚧
Having a/b/c move several entries from "c" into "a", hold on "a" breadcrumb, drop on empty table space Files are moved correctly 🚧 🚧
Having encryption enabled copy entries into folders Files are copied correctly 🚧 🚧
Having encryption enabled move entries into folders Files are moved correctly 🚧 🚧




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