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File remains encrypted when moved to external ownCloud storage #326



runsh: Total unexpected failed scenarios throughout the test run:
  Scenario: user moves their own file to the external storage                                                                           # /var/www/owncloud/testrunner/tests/acceptance/features/cliExternalStorage/filesExternalWebdavOwncloud.feature:270
    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files                                              # FeatureContext::userHasBeenCreatedWithDefaultAttributesAndWithoutSkeletonFiles()
    And the administrator has created an external mount point with the following configuration about user "Alice" using the occ command # OccContext::adminHasCreatedAnExternalMountPointWithFollowingConfigUsingTheOccCommand()
      | host                   | %remote_server%    |
      | root                   | TestMnt            |
      | secure                 | false              |
      | user                   | %username%         |
      | password               | %password%         |
      | storage_backend        | owncloud           |
      | mount_point            | TestMountPoint     |
      | authentication_backend | password::password |
    And user "Alice" has uploaded file with content "Test content for moving file." to "test.txt"                                       # FeatureContext::userHasUploadedAFileWithContentTo()
    When user "Alice" moves file "/test.txt" to "TestMountPoint/test.txt" using the WebDAV API                                          # FeatureContext::userMovesFileUsingTheAPI()
    Then the HTTP status code should be "201"                                                                                           # FeatureContext::thenTheHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe()
    And as "Alice" file "TestMountPoint/test.txt" should exist                                                                          # FeatureContext::asFileOrFolderShouldExist()
    And using server "REMOTE"                                                                                                           # FeatureContext::usingServer()
    And as "Alice" file "TestMnt/test.txt" should exist                                                                                 # FeatureContext::asFileOrFolderShouldExist()
    And the content of file "TestMnt/test.txt" for user "Alice" should be "Test content for moving file."                               # FeatureContext::contentOfFileForUserShouldBe()
      The downloaded content was expected to be 'Test content for moving file.', but actually is 'HBEGIN:oc_encryption_module:OC_DEFAULT_MODULE:cipher:AES-256-CTR:signed:true:encoding:binary:HEND

When the encrypted file is moved out of the local storage and onto the external mount point, it looks like it is not decrypted. Accessing it on the remote system is not possible, because it is still encrypted with the key of the local system.

The ownCloud system that is the external storage does not have encryption enabled.



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