Failed Scenario:
- tests/acceptance/features/webUIMasterKeyType/webUIMasterKeys.feature:8
- tests/acceptance/features/webUIMasterKeyType/webUIMasterKeys.feature:21
Scenario: user can access their file after recreating master key with re-login is passed after rerun
Scenario: user cannot access their file after recreating master key with re-login # /var/www/owncloud/testrunner/apps/encryption/tests/acceptance/features/webUIMasterKeyType/webUIMasterKeys.feature:8
Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and large skeleton files # FeatureContext::userHasBeenCreatedWithDefaultAttributes()
And the administrator has set the encryption type to "masterkey" # EncryptionContext::theAdministratorSetsEncryptionTypeToUsingTheOccCommand()
And user "Alice" has uploaded file "filesForUpload/textfile.txt" to "/somefile.txt" # FeatureContext::userHasUploadedAFileTo()
And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI # WebUILoginContext::theUserHasLoggedInUsingTheWebUI()
When the administrator successfully recreates the encryption masterkey using the occ command # EncryptionContext::recreateMasterKeyUsingOccCommand()
Then the command output should contain the text 'Note: All users are required to relogin.' # OccContext::theCommandOutputContainsTheText()
INFORMATION: timed out waiting for ajax calls to start
INFORMATION: timed out waiting for outstanding ajax calls
When the user opens file "lorem.txt" expecting to fail using the webUI # WebUIFilesContext::theUserOpensFolderNamedUsingTheWebUI()
│ INFORMATION: timed out waiting for ajax calls to startINFORMATION: timed out waiting for outstanding ajax calls
Then the user should be redirected to the general exception webUI page with the title "%productname%" # WebUIGeneralContext::theUserShouldBeRedirectedToGeneralExceptionPage()
Page\OwncloudPage::waitTillXpathIsVisible xpath: .//span[@class='error error-wide']//h2[1] cannot find element (SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\PageObject\Exception\ElementNotFoundException)
And the title of the exception on general exception webUI page should be "Forbidden" # WebUIGeneralContext::anErrorShouldBeDisplayedOnTheGeneralExceptionPageWithTitle()
And a message should be displayed on the general exception webUI page containing "Encryption not ready" # WebUIGeneralContext::anErrorShouldBeDisplayedOnTheGeneralErrorPageContaining()
Scenario: user can access their file after recreating master key with re-login # /var/www/owncloud/testrunner/apps/encryption/tests/acceptance/features/webUIMasterKeyType/webUIMasterKeys.feature:21
Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and large skeleton files # FeatureContext::userHasBeenCreatedWithDefaultAttributes()
And the administrator has set the encryption type to "masterkey" # EncryptionContext::theAdministratorSetsEncryptionTypeToUsingTheOccCommand()
And user "Alice" has uploaded file "filesForUpload/textfile.txt" to "/somefile.txt" # FeatureContext::userHasUploadedAFileTo()
And user "Alice" has logged in using the webUI # WebUILoginContext::theUserHasLoggedInUsingTheWebUI()
Expected to be on "http://server/index.php/login" but found "http://server/apps/files/" instead (SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\PageObject\Exception\UnexpectedPageException)
When the administrator successfully recreates the encryption masterkey using the occ command # EncryptionContext::recreateMasterKeyUsingOccCommand()
And the user re-logs in as "Alice" using the webUI # WebUILoginContext::theUserRelogsInUsingTheWebUI()
And the user opens file "lorem.txt" using the webUI # WebUIFilesContext::theUserOpensFolderNamedUsingTheWebUI()
Then no dialog should be displayed on the webUI # WebUIGeneralContext::dialogsShouldBeDisplayedOnTheWebUI()
And the user should be redirected to a webUI page with the title "Files - %productname%" # WebUIGeneralContext::theUserShouldBeRedirectedToAWebUIPageWithTheTitle()