I'm having an issue with vue3-gettext on my local machine, interestingly enough there is no issue in CI and on @JammingBen 's machine.
When I run the typecheck (or look at the draw-io App in vscode), the type augmentation for ComponentCustomProperties doesn't work. I see this error:
packages/web-app-draw-io check:types$ vue-tsc --noEmit
│ src/App.vue(6,13): error TS2339: Property '$gettext' does not exist on type 'CreateComponentPublicInstance<ResolveProps<{ resource: { type: PropType<Resource>; required: true; }; applicationConfig: { type: PropType<AppConfigObject>; required: true; default: () => AppConf…
└─ Failed in 1.8s at /home/domme/dev/sources/owncloud/web-extensions/packages/web-app-draw-io
I can workaround it by replacing
declare module "@vue/runtime-core" {
declare module "vue" {
in packages/web-app-draw-io/node_modules/vue3-gettext/dist/types/index.d.ts
We could workaround that issue by moving the $gettext call to a computed prop (currently there's only one occurence) or by patching the vue3-gettext package, if that affects more people than me ... so if you run into this, please let me know