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Audit all use of push_sql + format! within nexus/db-queries to prevent SQL Injection #4144




Diesel uses the 'bind' method (See SqlQuery::bind for one example, but there are other variations) to ensure that variables within SQL statements are escaped property, avoiding SQL injection.

This is generally done automatically -- for a query like:

let data = animals
    .filter(name.eq("; DROP TABLE USERS; "))

The argument to .eq is AsExpression, which treats this argument as data to be escaped before placing it in the query.

From the Diesel docs:

Implementations of [AsExpression] will generally...
... Indicate that the type has data which will be sent separately from the query. This is generally referred as a “bind parameter”. Types which implement ToSql will generally implement AsExpression this way.

That works through the ToSql trait, which basically encapsulates "how to shove a value into the protocol which gets sent to the DB".

For vanilla Diesel, this is fine, and this usage should not be susceptible to injection attacks -- preventing this is the responsibility of those ToSql and AsExpression traits.

However, nexus/db-queries has some spots where it constructs more complicated queries, relying on traits like QueryFragment to construct SQL queries from strings. Here's one such example:

impl QueryFragment<Pg> for InsertVpcQuery {
fn walk_ast<'a>(
&'a self,
mut out: AstPass<'_, 'a, Pg>,
) -> diesel::QueryResult<()> {
out.push_sql("SELECT ");
out.push_bind_param::<sql_types::Uuid, Uuid>(&;
out.push_sql(" AS ");
out.push_sql(", ");
out.push_bind_param::<sql_types::Text, Name>(&;
out.push_sql(" AS ");
out.push_sql(", ");

Using this interface correctly means:

Note that "fully static SQL" is not actually enforced by the type system -- if you wanted to add a string constructed via format! here, you could.

  • Audit all usage of push_sql
  • Write property tests to confirm that SQL injection via APIs is unlikely
  • Document this property somewhere?




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